Can long-range PCR be used to amplify genetically divergent mitochondrial genomes for comparative phylogenetics?: a case study within spiders (Arthropoda: Araneae)
Journal Article
Briscoe, A. G., Goodacre, S., Masta, S. E., Taylor, M. I., Arnedo, M. A., Penney, D., Kenny, J., & Creer, S. (2013). Can long-range PCR be used to amplify genetically divergent mitochondrial genomes for comparative phylogenetics?: a case study within spiders (Arthropoda: Araneae). PLoS ONE, 8(5), Article 8.
The development of second generation sequencing technology has resulted in the rapid production of large volumes of sequence data for relatively little cost, thereby substantially increasing the quantity of data available for phylogenetic studies. De... Read More about Can long-range PCR be used to amplify genetically divergent mitochondrial genomes for comparative phylogenetics?: a case study within spiders (Arthropoda: Araneae).