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Bleeding with intensive versus guideline antiplatelet therapy in acute cerebral ischaemia (2023)
Journal Article
Woodhouse, L. J., Appleton, J. P., Christensen, H., Dineen, R. A., England, T. J., James, M., Krishnan, K., Montgomery, A. A., Ranta, A., Robinson, T. G., Sprigg, N., & Bath, P. M. (2023). Bleeding with intensive versus guideline antiplatelet therapy in acute cerebral ischaemia. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 11717.

Intensive antiplatelet therapy did not reduce recurrent stroke/transient ischaemic attack (TIA) events as compared with guideline treatment in the Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke (TARDIS) trial, but did increase th... Read More about Bleeding with intensive versus guideline antiplatelet therapy in acute cerebral ischaemia.

Brief Consent Methods Enable Rapid Enrollment in Acute Stroke Trial: Results From the TICH-2 Randomized Controlled Trial (2021)
Journal Article
the TICH-2 Investigators, Law, Z. K., Appleton, J. P., Scutt, P., Roberts, I., Al-Shahi Salman, R., England, T. J., Werring, D. J., Robinson, T., Krishnan, K., Dineen, R. A., Laska, A. C., Lyrer, P. A., Egea-Guerrero, J. J., Karlinski, M., Christensen, H., Roffe, C., Bereczki, D., Ozturk, S., Thanabalan, J., …Sprigg, N. (2021). Brief Consent Methods Enable Rapid Enrollment in Acute Stroke Trial: Results From the TICH-2 Randomized Controlled Trial. Stroke, 53(4), 1141-1148.

Background: Seeking consent rapidly in acute stroke trials is crucial as interventions are time sensitive. We explored the association between consent pathways and time to enrollment in the TICH-2 (Tranexamic Acid in Intracerebral Haemorrhage-2) rand... Read More about Brief Consent Methods Enable Rapid Enrollment in Acute Stroke Trial: Results From the TICH-2 Randomized Controlled Trial.

Quantitative CT radiomics-based models for prediction of haematoma expansion and poor functional outcome in primary intracerebral haemorrhage (2021)
Journal Article
Pszczolkowski, S., Manzano-Patron, J. P., Law, Z. K., Krishnan, K., Ali, A., Bath, P. M., Sprigg, N., & Dineen, R. A. (2021). Quantitative CT radiomics-based models for prediction of haematoma expansion and poor functional outcome in primary intracerebral haemorrhage. European Radiology, 31, 7945-7959.

To test radiomics-based features extracted from noncontrast CT of patients with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage for prediction of haematoma expansion and poor functional outcome and compare them with radiological signs and clinical... Read More about Quantitative CT radiomics-based models for prediction of haematoma expansion and poor functional outcome in primary intracerebral haemorrhage.

Desmopressin for reversal of Antiplatelet drugs in Stroke due to Haemorrhage (DASH): protocol for a phase II double blind randomised controlled feasibility trial (2020)
Journal Article
Desborough, M. J., Al-Shahi Salman, R., Stanworth, S. J., Havard, D., Brennan, P. M., Dineen, R. A., Coats, T. J., Hepburn, T., Bath, P. M., Sprigg, N., & DASH trial investigators. (2020). Desmopressin for reversal of Antiplatelet drugs in Stroke due to Haemorrhage (DASH): protocol for a phase II double blind randomised controlled feasibility trial. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article e037555.

Introduction Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) can be devastating and is a common cause of death and disability worldwide. Pre-ICH antiplatelet drug use is associated with a 27% relative increase in 1 month case fatality compared with patients not usin... Read More about Desmopressin for reversal of Antiplatelet drugs in Stroke due to Haemorrhage (DASH): protocol for a phase II double blind randomised controlled feasibility trial.

Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P. J., Bath, P. M., Algra, A., Berge, E., Brown, M. M., Chalmers, J., Duley, L., Eliasziw, M., Gregson, J., Greving, J. P., Hankey, G. J., Hosomi, N., Johnston, S. C., Patsko, E., Ranta, A., Sandset, P. M., Serena, J., Weimar, C., Montgomery, A. A., Knipp, S., …on behalf of the Adjudicating Outcomes in Stroke Trials Collaboration*. (2019). Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Stroke, 50(8), 2187-2196.

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc. Background and Purpose-In randomized stroke trials, central adjudication of a trial's primary outcome is regularly implemented. However, recent evidence questions the importance of central adjudication in rando... Read More about Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary IntraCerebral Haemorrhage (TICH-2): an international randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 superiority trial (2018)
Journal Article
Sprigg, N., Flaherty, K., Appleton, J. P., Al-Shahi Salman, R., Bereczki, D., Beridze, M., Christensen, H., Ciccone, A., Collins, R., Czlonkowska, A., Dineen, R. A., Duley, L., Egea-Guerrero, J. J., England, T. J., Krishnan, K., Laska, A. C., Law, Z. K., Ozturk, S., Pocock, S. J., Roberts, I., …Bath, P. M. (2018). Tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary IntraCerebral Haemorrhage (TICH-2): an international randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 superiority trial. Lancet, 391(10135), 2107-2115.

Tranexamic acid (TXA) reduces death due to bleeding after trauma and post-partum haemorrhage. The aim was to assess if tranexamic acid reduces haematoma expansion and improves outcome in adults with stroke due to intracerebral 6 haemorrha... Read More about Tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary IntraCerebral Haemorrhage (TICH-2): an international randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 superiority trial.

Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole versus clopidogrel alone or aspirin and dipyridamole in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia (TARDIS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 superiority trial (2017)
Journal Article
Bath, P. M., Christensen, L. M., Woodhouse, L. J., Bentsen, L., Appleton, J. P., Krarup Hansen, C., Beridze, M., Thomsen, T. T., Christensen, H., Kruuse, C., Dineen, R. A., Jensen, H. H., Duley, L., Hansen, S. S., England, T. J., Petrovic, V., Flaherty, K., Beridze, N., Havard, D., Kakabadze, N., …Farren, P. (2018). Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole versus clopidogrel alone or aspirin and dipyridamole in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia (TARDIS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 superiority trial. Lancet, 391(10123), 850-859.

Background: Intensive antiplatelet therapy with three agents might be more effective than guideline treatment for preventing recurrent events in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia. We aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of intensive antiplat... Read More about Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole versus clopidogrel alone or aspirin and dipyridamole in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia (TARDIS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 superiority trial.