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Incidence and predictors of poor functional outcome despite complete recanalisation following endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke (2023)
Journal Article
Dhillon, P. S., Butt, W., Marei, O., Podlasek, A., McConachie, N., Lenthall, R., Nair, S., Malik, L., Bhogal, P., Makalanda, H. L. D., Dineen, R. A., & England, T. J. (2023). Incidence and predictors of poor functional outcome despite complete recanalisation following endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 32(5), Article 107083.

Background: Numerous ischaemic stroke patients experience poor functional outcome despite successful recanalisation following endovascular thrombectomy (EVT). We aimed to identify the incidence and predictors of futile complete recanalisation (FCR) i... Read More about Incidence and predictors of poor functional outcome despite complete recanalisation following endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke.

The use of cerebral computed tomographic angiography as an ancillary investigation to support a clinical diagnosis of death using neurological criteria: a consensus guideline (2023)
Journal Article
Thomas, E. O., Manara, A., Dineen, R. A., Mortimer, A., Aziz, O., Dean, P., Elliott, P., Summers, D. M., Whitfield, P. C., Hutchinson, P. J., & Gardiner, D. (2023). The use of cerebral computed tomographic angiography as an ancillary investigation to support a clinical diagnosis of death using neurological criteria: a consensus guideline. Anaesthesia, 78(3), 330-336.

This multidisciplinary consensus statement was produced following a recommendation by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine to develop a UK guideline for ancillary investigation, when one is required, to support the diagnosis of death using neurolog... Read More about The use of cerebral computed tomographic angiography as an ancillary investigation to support a clinical diagnosis of death using neurological criteria: a consensus guideline.

Perfusion Imaging for Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke Is Associated With Improved Functional Outcomes in the Early and Late Time Windows (2022)
Journal Article
Dhillon, P. S., Butt, W., Podlasek, A., McConachie, N., Lenthall, R., Nair, S., Malik, L., Booth, T. C., Bhogal, P., Makalanda, H. L. D., Spooner, O., Mortimer, A., Lamin, S., Chavda, S., Chew, H. S., Nader, K., Al-Ali, S., Butler, B., Rajapakse, D., Appleton, J. P., …England, T. J. (2022). Perfusion Imaging for Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke Is Associated With Improved Functional Outcomes in the Early and Late Time Windows. Stroke, 53(9), 2770–2778.

Background: The impact on clinical outcomes of patient selection using perfusion imaging for endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) in patients with acute ischemic stroke presenting beyond 6 hours from onset remains undetermined in routine clinical practice... Read More about Perfusion Imaging for Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke Is Associated With Improved Functional Outcomes in the Early and Late Time Windows.

Association between anesthesia modality and clinical outcomes following endovascular stroke treatment in the extended time window (2022)
Journal Article
Dhillon, P. S., Butt, W., Podlasek, A., McConachie, N., Lenthall, R., Nair, S., Malik, L., Hewson, D. W., Bhogal, P., Makalanda, H. L. D., James, M. A., Dineen, R. A., & England, T. J. (2023). Association between anesthesia modality and clinical outcomes following endovascular stroke treatment in the extended time window. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 15(5), 478-482.

Background: There is a paucity of data on anesthesia-related outcomes for endovascular treatment (EVT) in the extended window (>6 hours from ischemic stroke onset). We compared functional and safety outcomes between local anesthesia (LA) without seda... Read More about Association between anesthesia modality and clinical outcomes following endovascular stroke treatment in the extended time window.