Preface to the Special issue of Environmental Fluid Mechanics in Honour of Peter A. Davies
Journal Article
Carr, M., Cuthbertson, A., & Munro, R. (2023). Preface to the Special issue of Environmental Fluid Mechanics in Honour of Peter A. Davies. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 23, 185-189.
All Outputs (20)
Spin-up in a semicircular cylinder (2022)
Journal Article
Munro, R., & Foster, M. (2022). Spin-up in a semicircular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 938, Article A15. report experimental and theoretical results on how a fluid (homogeneous or continuously stratified) is spun up in a closed, semicircular cylinder. Experiments were performed for Rossby numbers, 0.2 and 1 (the latter corresponding to the limiting c... Read More about Spin-up in a semicircular cylinder.
Vortex evolution in a rotating tank with an off-axis drain (2021)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., & Foster, M. R. (2022). Vortex evolution in a rotating tank with an off-axis drain. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, Article R2. entering the periphery of a steadily rotating cylindrical tank exits through an off-axis drain hole, located in the tank's base at the half-radius. Experiments show that, though a concentrated vortex forms over the drain, it soon advects around... Read More about Vortex evolution in a rotating tank with an off-axis drain.
Direct effects of boundary permeability on turbulent flows: observations from an experimental study using zero-mean-shear turbulence (2021)
Journal Article
McCorquodale, M. W., & Munro, R. J. (2021). Direct effects of boundary permeability on turbulent flows: observations from an experimental study using zero-mean-shear turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915, Article A134. interaction of zero-mean-shear turbulence (generated using an oscillating grid) with solid and permeable boundaries is studied experimentally. The influence of wall permeability is characterised using the permeability Reynolds number, ReK, which... Read More about Direct effects of boundary permeability on turbulent flows: observations from an experimental study using zero-mean-shear turbulence.
The spatial variation of the maximum possible contaminant concentration from a steady line source (2019)
Journal Article
Mole, N., & Munro, R. (2019). The spatial variation of the maximum possible contaminant concentration from a steady line source. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 172(1), 67–80. considering the possible hazard or nuisance associated with a release of toxic or malodorous gas into the atmosphere, large concentrations are especially important, but relatively little work has been done on measuring or modelling the probabili... Read More about The spatial variation of the maximum possible contaminant concentration from a steady line source.
A method for reducing mean flow in oscillating-grid turbulence (2018)
Journal Article
McCorquodale, M. W., & Munro, R. J. (2018). A method for reducing mean flow in oscillating-grid turbulence. Experiments in Fluids, 59(12), Article 182. turbulence (OGT) is an experimental tool that has been widely used to study the role of turbulent fluctuations under conditions of small mean flow. We report experiments to investigate the structure of the turbulent flow produced by... Read More about A method for reducing mean flow in oscillating-grid turbulence.
Analysis of intercomponent energy transfer in the interaction of oscillating-grid turbulence with an impermeable boundary (2018)
Journal Article
McCorquodale, M. W., & Munro, R. J. (2018). Analysis of intercomponent energy transfer in the interaction of oscillating-grid turbulence with an impermeable boundary. Physics of Fluids, 30(1), Article 015105. experimental results are presented that investigate the nature of the intercomponent energy transfer that occurs in the interaction between oscillating-grid turbulence and a solid impermeable boundary, using instantaneous velocity measurements ob... Read More about Analysis of intercomponent energy transfer in the interaction of oscillating-grid turbulence with an impermeable boundary.
The initial development of a jet caused by fluid, body and free surface interaction. Part 5. Parasitic capillary waves on an initially horizontal surface (2017)
Journal Article
Billingham, J., Needham, D., Korsukova, E., & Munro, R. J. (in press). The initial development of a jet caused by fluid, body and free surface interaction. Part 5. Parasitic capillary waves on an initially horizontal surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 836,
Experimental study of oscillating-grid turbulence interacting with a solid boundary (2017)
Journal Article
McCorquodale, M. W., & Munro, R. J. (2017). Experimental study of oscillating-grid turbulence interacting with a solid boundary. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, 768-798.© 2017 Cambridge University Press. The interaction between oscillating-grid turbulence and a solid, impermeable boundary (positioned below, and aligned parallel to, the grid) is studied experimentally. Instantaneous velocity measurements, obtained us... Read More about Experimental study of oscillating-grid turbulence interacting with a solid boundary.
The spin-up of a linearly stratified fluid in a sliced, circular cylinder (2016)
Journal Article
Munro, R., & Foster, M. (2016). The spin-up of a linearly stratified fluid in a sliced, circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 806, 254-303. linearly stratified fluid contained in a circular cylinder with a linearly-sloped base, whose axis is aligned with the rotation axis, is spun up from a rotation rate Ώ to Ώ + ΔΏ (with ΔΏ << Ώ ) by Rossby waves propagating across the container. Expe...
On the formation of axial corner vortices during spin-up in a cylinder of square cross-section (2015)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., Hewitt, R., & Foster, M. (2015). On the formation of axial corner vortices during spin-up in a cylinder of square cross-section. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 772, present experimental and theoretical results for the adjustment of a fluid (homogeneous or linearly stratified), which is initially rotating as a solid body with angular frequency Ω−ΔΩ, to a nonlinear increase ΔΩ in the angular frequency of all bo... Read More about On the formation of axial corner vortices during spin-up in a cylinder of square cross-section.
Stratified spin-up in a sliced, square cylinder (2014)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., & Foster, M. R. (in press). Stratified spin-up in a sliced, square cylinder. Physics of Fluids, 26(2), previously reported experimental and theoretical results on the linear spin-up of a linearly stratified, rotating fluid in a uniform-depth square cylinder [M. R. Foster and R. J. Munro, “The linear spin-up of a stratified, rotating fluid in a squa... Read More about Stratified spin-up in a sliced, square cylinder.
Threshold criteria for incipient sediment motion on an inclined bedform in the presence of oscillating-grid turbulence (2013)
Journal Article
Wan Mohtar, W. H. M., & Munro, R. J. (in press). Threshold criteria for incipient sediment motion on an inclined bedform in the presence of oscillating-grid turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 25(1),, we report laboratory experiments to investigate the threshold criteria for incipient sediment motion in the presence of oscillating-grid turbulence, with the bed slope inclined at angles between the horizontal and the repose limit for the sedim... Read More about Threshold criteria for incipient sediment motion on an inclined bedform in the presence of oscillating-grid turbulence.
The linear spin-up of a stratified, rotating fluid in a square cylinder (2012)
Journal Article
Foster, M., & Munro, R. J. (2012). The linear spin-up of a stratified, rotating fluid in a square cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 712, we present experimental and theoretical results for how a stratified fluid, initially rotating as a solid body with constant angular velocity, , within a closed cylinder of square cross-section, is spun up when subject to a small, impulsive incr... Read More about The linear spin-up of a stratified, rotating fluid in a square cylinder.
The interaction of a vortex ring with a sloped sediment layer: critical criteria for incipient grain motion (2012)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J. (in press). The interaction of a vortex ring with a sloped sediment layer: critical criteria for incipient grain motion. Physics of Fluids, 24(2), were performed to analyse the interaction between a vortex ring and a sloped sediment layer. Attention focussed on interactions under “critical” conditions, in which sediment motion was only just induced by the ring's flow field. Both hyd... Read More about The interaction of a vortex ring with a sloped sediment layer: critical criteria for incipient grain motion.
Instabilities in the spin-up of a rotating, stratified fluid (2010)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., Foster, M. R., & Davies, P. A. (in press). Instabilities in the spin-up of a rotating, stratified fluid. Physics of Fluids, 22(5), analyses and laboratory experiments have been performed on the stability of a flow generated by the differential cyclonic corotation of a flat, rigid disk in a uniformly rotating, linearly stratified fluid contained within a cylindrical t... Read More about Instabilities in the spin-up of a rotating, stratified fluid.
Sediment resuspension and erosion by vortex rings (2009)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., Bethke, N., & Dalziel, S. B. (in press). Sediment resuspension and erosion by vortex rings. Physics of Fluids, 21(4), resuspension and erosion induced by a vortex ringinteracting with a sediment layer was investigated experimentally using flow visualization (particle image velocimetry), high-speed video, and a recently developed light attenuation method for... Read More about Sediment resuspension and erosion by vortex rings.
The flow generated in a continuously stratified rotating fluid by the differential rotation of a plane horizontal disc (2006)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., & Davies, P. (2006). The flow generated in a continuously stratified rotating fluid by the differential rotation of a plane horizontal disc. Fluid Dynamics Research, 38(8), are presented from a modelling investigation into the response of a rotating, linearly stratified fluid to local forcing induced by a differentially rotating smooth, horizontal disc. Attention was directed at cases in which the disc forcing i... Read More about The flow generated in a continuously stratified rotating fluid by the differential rotation of a plane horizontal disc.
Attenuation technique for measuring sediment displacement levels (2005)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., & Dalziel, S. B. (2005). Attenuation technique for measuring sediment displacement levels. Experiments in Fluids, 39(3), technique for obtaining accurate, high (spatial) resolution measurements of sediment redeposition levels is described. In certain regimes, the method may also be employed to provide measurements of sediment layer thickness as a function of time. Th... Read More about Attenuation technique for measuring sediment displacement levels.
A pattern matching technique for measuring sediment displacement levels (2004)
Journal Article
Munro, R. J., Dalziel, S. B., & Jehan, H. (2004). A pattern matching technique for measuring sediment displacement levels. Experiments in Fluids, 37(3), paper describes a novel technique for obtaining accurate, high (spatial) resolution measurements of sediment redeposition levels. A sequence of different random patterns are projected onto a sediment layer and captured using a high-resolution ca... Read More about A pattern matching technique for measuring sediment displacement levels.