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Measuring corruption: Perspectives, critiques and limits (2014)
Book Chapter
Heywood, P. M. (2014). Measuring corruption: Perspectives, critiques and limits. In P. M. Heywood (Ed.), Routledge handbook of political corruption (137-153). Routledge.

How do we measure some thing that is, by its very nature, largely hidden? This is the conundrum that faces all who have attempted to develop a means of measuring corruption. Given the seemingly intractable nature of this problem, the obvious question... Read More about Measuring corruption: Perspectives, critiques and limits.

Introduction: Scale and focus in the study of corruption (2014)
Book Chapter
Heywood, P. M. (2014). Introduction: Scale and focus in the study of corruption. In P. M. Heywood (Ed.), Routledge handbook of political corruption (1-14). Routledge.

Corruption is one of the most high-profile issues in the contemporary world. According to the 2011 ‘World Speaks’ surveys, conducted by GlobeScan for the BBC World Service, corruption was the world’s most talked-about problem, ahead of extreme povert... Read More about Introduction: Scale and focus in the study of corruption.