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Role and response of primary healthcare services in community end-of-life care during COVID-19: Qualitative study and recommendations for primary palliative care delivery (2022)
Journal Article
Turner, N., Wahid, A., Oliver, P., Gardiner, C., Chapman, H., Khan, D., Boyd, K., Dale, J., Barclay, S., Mayland, C. R., & Mitchell, S. J. (2023). Role and response of primary healthcare services in community end-of-life care during COVID-19: Qualitative study and recommendations for primary palliative care delivery. Palliative Medicine, 37(2), 235-243.

Background: The need for end-of-life care in the community increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Primary care services, including general practitioners and community nurses, had a critical role in providing such care, rapidly changing... Read More about Role and response of primary healthcare services in community end-of-life care during COVID-19: Qualitative study and recommendations for primary palliative care delivery.

Talking about death and dying: Findings from deliberative discussion groups with members of the public (2022)
Journal Article
Wilson, E., Caswell, G., Turner, N., & Pollock, K. (2024). Talking about death and dying: Findings from deliberative discussion groups with members of the public. Mortality, 29(1), 176-192.

Talking about death and dying is promoted in UK health policy and practice, from a perception that to do so encourages people to plan for their end of life and so increase their likelihood of experiencing a good death. This encouragement occurs along... Read More about Talking about death and dying: Findings from deliberative discussion groups with members of the public.

‘It’s Not Like in the Films’: Bereaved People’s Experiences of the Deathbed Vigil (2022)
Journal Article
Caswell, G., Wilson, E., Turner, N., & Pollock, K. (2022). ‘It’s Not Like in the Films’: Bereaved People’s Experiences of the Deathbed Vigil. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying,

This paper explores how people enact and experience the deathbed vigil when someone close to them is dying. It draws on qualitative interviews with 34 bereaved people carried out as part of a wider study exploring public perceptions of death and dyin... Read More about ‘It’s Not Like in the Films’: Bereaved People’s Experiences of the Deathbed Vigil.

Measuring quality of dying, death and end-of-life care for children and young people: A scoping review of available tools (2022)
Journal Article
Mayland, C. R., Sunderland, K. A., Cooper, M., Taylor, P., Powell, P. A., Zeigler, L., Cox, V., Gilman, C., Turner, N., Flemming, K., & Fraser, L. K. (2022). Measuring quality of dying, death and end-of-life care for children and young people: A scoping review of available tools. Palliative Medicine, 36(8), 1186-1206.

The circumstances and care provided at the end of a child’s life have a profound impact on family members. Although assessing experiences and outcomes during this time is challenging, healthcare professionals have a responsibility to en... Read More about Measuring quality of dying, death and end-of-life care for children and young people: A scoping review of available tools.

Understanding patient views and experiences of the IDENTIfication of PALLiative care needs (IDENTI-Pall): a qualitative interview study protocol (2022)
Journal Article
Mitchell, S., Leach, I., Turner, N., & Mayland, C. R. (2022). Understanding patient views and experiences of the IDENTIfication of PALLiative care needs (IDENTI-Pall): a qualitative interview study protocol. BMJ Open, 12(6), Article e062500.

Introduction More people are living with multimorbidity, defined as two or more long-term physical or mental health conditions. Multimorbidity is associated with poor quality of life and high treatment burden. Palliative care identification tools hav... Read More about Understanding patient views and experiences of the IDENTIfication of PALLiative care needs (IDENTI-Pall): a qualitative interview study protocol.