Characterisation of ascocorynin biosynthesis in the purple jellydisc fungus Ascocoryne sarcoides
Journal Article
Wieder, C., Peres da Silva, R., Witts, J., Jaeger, C. M., Geib, E., & Brock, M. (2022). Characterisation of ascocorynin biosynthesis in the purple jellydisc fungus Ascocoryne sarcoides. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, 9, Article 8.
Background: Non-ribosomal peptide synthetase-like (NRPS-like) enzymes are highly enriched in fungal genomes and can be discriminated into reducing and non-reducing enzymes. Non-reducing NRPS-like enzymes possess a C-terminal thioesterase domain that... Read More about Characterisation of ascocorynin biosynthesis in the purple jellydisc fungus Ascocoryne sarcoides.