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A novel ketone diet enhances physical and cognitive performance (2016)
Journal Article
Murray, A. J., Knight, N. S., Cole, M. A., Cochlin, L. E., Carter, E., Tchabanenko, K., Pichulik, T., Gulston, M. K., Atherton, H. J., Schroeder, M. A., Deacon, R. M. J., Kashiwaya, Y., King, M. T., Pawlosky, R., Rawlins, J. N. P., Tyler, D. J., Griffin, J. L., Robertson, J., Veech, R. L., & Clarke, K. (2016). A novel ketone diet enhances physical and cognitive performance. FASEB Journal, 30(12), 4021-4032.

Ketone bodies are the most energy efficient fuel, yielding more ATP per mole of substrate than pyruvate and increasing the free energy released from ATP hydrolysis. Elevation of circulating ketones via high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets has been used f... Read More about A novel ketone diet enhances physical and cognitive performance.

The von Hippel-Lindau Chuvash mutation in mice alters cardiac substrate and high energy phosphate metabolism (2016)
Journal Article
Slingo, M., Cole, M., Carr, C., Curtis, M. K., Dodd, M., Giles, L., Heather, L. C., Tyler, D., Clarke, K., & Robbins, P. A. (in press). The von Hippel-Lindau Chuvash mutation in mice alters cardiac substrate and high energy phosphate metabolism. AJP - Heart and Circulatory Physiology,

Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) appears to function as a global master regulator of cellular and systemic responses to hypoxia. HIF-pathway manipulation is of therapeutic interest, however global, systemic upregulation of HIF may have as yet unknown e... Read More about The von Hippel-Lindau Chuvash mutation in mice alters cardiac substrate and high energy phosphate metabolism.

On the pivotal role of PPARa in adaptation of the heart to hypoxia and why fat in the diet increases hypoxic injury (2016)
Journal Article
Cole, M., Abd Jamil, A. H., Heather, L. C., Murray, A. J., Sutton, E. R., Slingo, M., Sebag-Montefiore, L., Tan, S. C., Aksentijević, D., Gildea, O. S., Stuckey, D. J., Yeoh, K. K., Carr, C. A., Evans, R. D., Aasum, E., Schofield, C. J., Ratcliffe, P. J., Neubauer, S., Robbins, P. A., & Clarke, K. (2016). On the pivotal role of PPARa in adaptation of the heart to hypoxia and why fat in the diet increases hypoxic injury. FASEB Journal, 30(8), 2684-2697.

The role of peroxisome proliferator activated alpha (PPARα) -mediated metabolic remodeling in cardiac adaptation to hypoxia has yet to be defined. Here, mice were housed in hypoxia for 3 weeks before in vivo contractile function was measured using c... Read More about On the pivotal role of PPARa in adaptation of the heart to hypoxia and why fat in the diet increases hypoxic injury.