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The role of the ALKBH5 RNA demethylase in invasive breast cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C. L., Alsaleem, M., Toss, M. S., Lothion-Roy, J., Harris, A. E., Jeyapalan, J. N., Blatt, N., Rizvanov, A. A., Miftakhova, R. R., Kariri, Y. A., Madhusudan, S., Green, A. R., Rutland, C. S., Fray, R. G., Rakha, E. A., & Mongan, N. P. (2024). The role of the ALKBH5 RNA demethylase in invasive breast cancer. Discover Oncology, 15(1), Article 343.

Background: N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most common internal RNA modification and is involved in regulation of RNA and protein expression. AlkB family member 5 (ALKBH5) is a m6A demethylase. Given the important role of m6A in biological mechanism... Read More about The role of the ALKBH5 RNA demethylase in invasive breast cancer.

Epitranscriptomic mechanisms of androgen signalling and prostate cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Patke, R., Harris, A. E., Woodcock, C. L., Thompson, R., Santos, R., Kumari, A., Allegrucci, C., Archer, N., Gudas, L. J., Robinson, B. D., Persson, J. L., Fray, R., Jeyapalan, J., Rutland, C. S., Rakha, E., Madhusudan, S., Emes, R. D., Muyangwa-Semenova, M., Alsaleem, M., de Brot, S., …Lothion-Roy, J. (2024). Epitranscriptomic mechanisms of androgen signalling and prostate cancer. Neoplasia, 56, Article 101032.

Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men. While radical prostatectomy and radiotherapy are often successful in treating localised disease, post-treatment recurrence is common. As the androgen receptor (AR) and androgen... Read More about Epitranscriptomic mechanisms of androgen signalling and prostate cancer.

The characteristics and prognostic significance of histone H1 expression in breast cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Lashen, A. G., Almalki, N., Toss, M., Mirza, S., Malki, M. I., Rutland, C. S., Jeyapalan, J. N., Green, A. R., Mongan, N. P., Madhusudan, S., & Rakha, E. A. (2024). The characteristics and prognostic significance of histone H1 expression in breast cancer. Pathology, 56(6), 826-833.

Histone H1 (H.H1) is involved in chromatin organisation and gene regulation and is overexpressed in many malignant tumours, including breast cancer (BC). This study proposed and evaluated the prognostic role of H.H1 expression in BC.

H.H1 mRNA exp... Read More about The characteristics and prognostic significance of histone H1 expression in breast cancer.

Immunohistochemical Investigation into Protein Expression Patterns of FOXO4, IRF8 and LEF1 in Canine Osteosarcoma (2024)
Journal Article
de Brot, S., Cobb, J., Alibhai, A. A., Jackson-Oxley, J., Haque, M., Patke, R., Harris, A. E., Woodcock, C. L., Lothion-Roy, J., Varun, D., Thompson, R., Gomes, C., Kubale, V., Dunning, M. D., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., & Rutland, C. S. (2024). Immunohistochemical Investigation into Protein Expression Patterns of FOXO4, IRF8 and LEF1 in Canine Osteosarcoma. Cancers, 16(10), Article 1945.

Osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most common type of primary bone malignancy in people and dogs. Our previous molecular comparisons of canine OSA against healthy bone resulted in the identification of differentially expressed protein-expressing genes (forkh... Read More about Immunohistochemical Investigation into Protein Expression Patterns of FOXO4, IRF8 and LEF1 in Canine Osteosarcoma.

Clinicopathological Significance of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 (CDK2) in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancers (2024)
Journal Article
Lashen, A., Alqahtani, S., Shoqafi, A., Algethami, M., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2024). Clinicopathological Significance of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 (CDK2) in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(9), Article 5053.

Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) is a key cell cycle regulator, with essential roles during G1/S transition. The clinicopathological significance of CDK2 in ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS) and early-stage invasive breast cancers (BCs) remains largel... Read More about Clinicopathological Significance of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2 (CDK2) in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancers.

The Clinicopathological Significance of the Cyclin D1/E1–Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK2/4/6)–Retinoblastoma (RB1/pRB1) Pathway in Epithelial Ovarian Cancers (2024)
Journal Article
Lashen, A., Algethami, M., Alqahtani, S., Shoqafi, A., Sheha, A., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2024). The Clinicopathological Significance of the Cyclin D1/E1–Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK2/4/6)–Retinoblastoma (RB1/pRB1) Pathway in Epithelial Ovarian Cancers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(7), Article 4060.

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK2, CDK4, CDK6), cyclin D1, cyclin E1 and phosphorylated retinoblastoma (pRB1) are key regulators of the G1/S cell cycle checkpoint and may influence platinum response in ovarian cancers. CDK2/4/6 inhibitors are emerging t... Read More about The Clinicopathological Significance of the Cyclin D1/E1–Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK2/4/6)–Retinoblastoma (RB1/pRB1) Pathway in Epithelial Ovarian Cancers.

Cardiovascular Stem Cell Applications in Experimental Animal Models (2023)
Book Chapter
Jeyapalan, J. N., Cockcroft, J., Rizvanov, A. A., Haider, K. H., & Rutland, C. S. (2023). Cardiovascular Stem Cell Applications in Experimental Animal Models. In K. H. Haider (Ed.), Cardiovascular Applications of Stem Cells (465-490). Springer Nature Singapore.

Stem cells are increasingly used in various species for differing diseases, most frequently experimentally. In addition, several animals are also used as models for both veterinary and human medicine. Differing stem cell types have been trialed with... Read More about Cardiovascular Stem Cell Applications in Experimental Animal Models.

Targeting DNA damage repair precision medicine strategies in cancer (2023)
Journal Article
Brownlie, J., Kulkarni, S., Algethami, M., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2023). Targeting DNA damage repair precision medicine strategies in cancer. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 70, Article 102381.

DNA repair targeted therapeutics is a promising precision medicine strategy in cancer. The development and clinical use of PARP inhibitors has transformed lives for many patients with BRCA germline deficient breast and ovarian cancer as well as plati... Read More about Targeting DNA damage repair precision medicine strategies in cancer.

Clinical and molecular significance of the RNA m6A methyltransferase complex in prostate cancer (2023)
Journal Article
Lothion-Roy, J., Haigh, D. B., Harris, A. E., Metzler, V. M., Alsaleem, M., Toss, M. S., Kariri, Y., Ntekim, A., Robinson, B. D., Khani, F., Gudas, L. J., Allegrucci, C., James, V. H., Madhusudan, S., Mather, M., Emes, R. D., Archer, N., Fray, R. G., Rakha, E., Jeyapalan, J. N., …Woodcock, C. L. (2023). Clinical and molecular significance of the RNA m6A methyltransferase complex in prostate cancer. Frontiers in Genetics, 13, Article 1096071.

N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant internal mRNA modification and is dynamically regulated through distinct protein complexes that methylate, demethylate, and/or interpret the m6A modification. These proteins, and the m6A modification, are... Read More about Clinical and molecular significance of the RNA m6A methyltransferase complex in prostate cancer.

The KDM5B and KDM1A lysine demethylases cooperate in regulating androgen receptor expression and signalling in prostate cancer (2023)
Journal Article
Metzler, V. M., de Brot, S., Haigh, D. B., Woodcock, C. L., Lothion-Roy, J., Harris, A. E., Nilsson, E. M., Ntekim, A., Persson, J. L., Robinson, B. D., Khani, F., Laursen, K. B., Gudas, L. J., Toss, M. S., Madhusudan, S., Rakha, E., Heery, D. M., Rutland, C. S., Mongan, N. P., & Jeyapalan, J. N. (2023). The KDM5B and KDM1A lysine demethylases cooperate in regulating androgen receptor expression and signalling in prostate cancer. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 11, Article 1116424.

Histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation is key epigenetic mark associated with active transcription and is a substrate for the KDM1A/LSD1 and KDM5B/JARID1B lysine demethylases. Increased expression of KDM1A and KDM5B is implicated in many cancer types... Read More about The KDM5B and KDM1A lysine demethylases cooperate in regulating androgen receptor expression and signalling in prostate cancer.

Canine osteosarcoma in comparative oncology: Molecular mechanisms through to treatment discovery (2022)
Journal Article
Simpson, S., Rizvanov, A. A., Jeyapalan, J. N., de Brot, S., & Rutland, C. S. (2022). Canine osteosarcoma in comparative oncology: Molecular mechanisms through to treatment discovery. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, Article 965391.

Cancer is a leading cause of non-communicable morbidity and mortality throughout the world, similarly, in dogs, the most frequent cause of mortality is tumors. Some types of cancer, including osteosarcoma (OSA), occur at much higher rates in dogs tha... Read More about Canine osteosarcoma in comparative oncology: Molecular mechanisms through to treatment discovery.

Evolving DNA repair synthetic lethality targets in cancer (2022)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, S., Brownlie, J., Jeyapalan, J. N., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2022). Evolving DNA repair synthetic lethality targets in cancer. Bioscience Reports, 42(12), Article BSR20221713.

DNA damage signaling response and repair (DDR) is a critical defense mechanism against genomic instability. Impaired DNA repair capacity is an important risk factor for cancer development. On the other hand, up-regulation of DDR mechanisms is a featu... Read More about Evolving DNA repair synthetic lethality targets in cancer.

Exploring anti-androgen therapies in hormone dependent prostate cancer and new therapeutic routes for castration resistant prostate cancer (2022)
Journal Article
Harris, A. E., Metzler, V. M., Lothion-Roy, J., Varun, D., Woodcock, C. L., Haigh, D. B., Endeley, C., Haque, M., Toss, M. S., Alsaleem, M., Persson, J. L., Gudas, L. J., Rakha, E., Robinson, B. D., Khani, F., Martin, L. M., Moyer, J. E., Brownlie, J., Madhusudan, S., Allegrucci, C., …Jeyapalan, J. N. (2022). Exploring anti-androgen therapies in hormone dependent prostate cancer and new therapeutic routes for castration resistant prostate cancer. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13, Article 1006101.

Androgen deprivation therapies (ADTs) are important treatments which inhibit androgen-induced prostate cancer (PCa) progression by either preventing androgen biosynthesis (e.g. abiraterone) or by antagonizing androgen receptor (AR) function (e.g. bic... Read More about Exploring anti-androgen therapies in hormone dependent prostate cancer and new therapeutic routes for castration resistant prostate cancer.

The METTL3 RNA Methyltransferase Regulates Transcriptional Networks in Prostate Cancer (2022)
Journal Article
Haigh, D. B., Woodcock, C. L., Lothion-Roy, J., Harris, A. E., Metzler, V. M., Persson, J. L., Robinson, B. D., Khani, F., Alsaleem, M., Ntekim, A., Madhusudan, S., Davis, M. B., Laursen, K. B., Gudas, L. J., Rutland, C. S., Toss, M. S., Archer, N., Bodi, Z., Rakha, E. A., Fray, R. G., …Mongan, N. P. (2022). The METTL3 RNA Methyltransferase Regulates Transcriptional Networks in Prostate Cancer. Cancers, 14(20), Article 5148.

Prostate cancer (PCa) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths and is driven by aberrant androgen receptor (AR) signalling. For this reason, androgen deprivation therapies (ADTs) that suppress androgen-induced PCa progression either by preventing... Read More about The METTL3 RNA Methyltransferase Regulates Transcriptional Networks in Prostate Cancer.

Untangling the clinicopathological significance of MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex in sporadic breast cancers (2021)
Journal Article
Alblihy, A., Shoqafi, A., Toss, M. S., Algethami, M., Harris, A. E., Jeyapalan, J. N., Abdel-Fatah, T., Servante, J., Chan, S. Y., Green, A., Mongan, N. P., Rakha, E. A., & Madhusudan, S. (2021). Untangling the clinicopathological significance of MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex in sporadic breast cancers. npj Breast Cancer, 7(1), 1-10.

The MRE11–RAD50–NBS1 (MRN) complex is critical for genomic stability. Although germline mutations in MRN may increase breast cancer susceptibility, such mutations are extremely rare. Here, we have conducted a comprehensive clinicopathological study o... Read More about Untangling the clinicopathological significance of MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex in sporadic breast cancers.

Comparative pathology of dog and human prostate cancer (2021)
Journal Article
Ryman-Tubb, T., Lothion-Roy, J. H., Metzler, V. M., Harris, A. E., Robinson, B. D., Rizvanov, A. A., Jeyapalan, J. N., James, V. H., England, G., Rutland, C. S., Persson, J. L., Kenner, L., Rubin, M. A., Mongan, N. P., & de Brot, S. (2022). Comparative pathology of dog and human prostate cancer. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 8(1), 110-120.

Though relatively rare in dogs, prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common non-cutaneous cancer in men. Human and canine prostate glands share many functional, anatomical and physiological features. Due to these similarities, canine PCa has been propos... Read More about Comparative pathology of dog and human prostate cancer.

Immunohistochemical Characterisation of GLUT1, MMP3 and NRF2 in Osteosarcoma (2021)
Journal Article
Rutland, C. S., Cockcroft, J. M., Lothion-Roy, J., Harris, A. E., Jeyapalan, J. N., Simpson, S., Alibhai, A., Bailey, C., Ballard-Reisch, A. C., Rizvanov, A. A., Dunning, M. D., de Brot, S., & Mongan, N. P. (2021). Immunohistochemical Characterisation of GLUT1, MMP3 and NRF2 in Osteosarcoma. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, Article 704598.

Osteosarcoma (OSA) is an aggressive bone malignancy. Unlike many other malignancies, OSA outcomes have not improved in recent decades. One challenge to the development of better diagnostic and therapeutic methods for OSA has been the lack of well cha... Read More about Immunohistochemical Characterisation of GLUT1, MMP3 and NRF2 in Osteosarcoma.

Molecular characterisation of canine osteosarcoma in high risk breeds (2020)
Journal Article
Simpson, S., Dunning, M., de Brot, S., Alibhai, A., Bailey, C., Woodcock, C. L., Mestas, M., Akhtar, S., Jeyapalan, J. N., Lothion-Roy, J., Emes, R. D., Allegrucci, C., Rizvanov, A. A., Mongan, N. P., & Rutland, C. S. (2020). Molecular characterisation of canine osteosarcoma in high risk breeds. Cancers, 12(9), Article 2405.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Dogs develop osteosarcoma (OSA) and the disease process closely resembles that of human OSA. OSA has a poor prognosis in both species and disease-free intervals and cure rates have not improve... Read More about Molecular characterisation of canine osteosarcoma in high risk breeds.

Immunosuppressive properties of cytochalasin B-induced membrane vesicles of mesenchymal stem cells: comparing with extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells (2020)
Journal Article
Gomzikova, M. O., Aimaletdinov, A. M., Bondar, O. V., Starostina, I. G., Gorshkova, N. V., Neustroeva, O. A., Kletukhina, S. K., Kurbangaleeva, S. V., Vorobev, V. V., Garanina, E. E., Persson, J. L., Jeyapalan, J., Mongan, N. P., Khaiboullina, S. F., & Rizvanov, A. A. (2020). Immunosuppressive properties of cytochalasin B-induced membrane vesicles of mesenchymal stem cells: comparing with extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 10740.

Extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent a novel approach for regenerative and immunosuppressive therapy. Recently, cytochalasin B-induced microvesicles (CIMVs) were shown to be effective drug delivery mediators. Ho... Read More about Immunosuppressive properties of cytochalasin B-induced membrane vesicles of mesenchymal stem cells: comparing with extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells.

Epidemiology and risk factors of osteosarcoma (2020)
Journal Article
Sadykova, L. R., Ntekim, A. I., Muyangwa-Semenova, M., Rutland, C. S., Jeyapalan, J. N., Blatt, N., & Rizvanov, A. (2020). Epidemiology and risk factors of osteosarcoma. Cancer Investigation, 38(5), 259-269.

Osteosarcoma is a rare tumor diagnosed at any age; however younger age is a common risk factor. In addition, multiple factors are believed to contribute to higher rates of osteosarcoma, particularly race and gender. Although diagnosed worldwide, oste... Read More about Epidemiology and risk factors of osteosarcoma.