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Cold-induced beigeing of stem cell-derived adipocytes is not fully reversible after return to normothermia (2020)
Journal Article
Lugo Leija, H. A., Velickovic, K., Bloor, I., Sacks, H., Symonds, M. E., & Sottile, V. (2020). Cold-induced beigeing of stem cell-derived adipocytes is not fully reversible after return to normothermia. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 24(19), 11434-11444.

Beige adipocytes possess the morphological and biochemical characteristics of brown adipocytes, including the mitochondrial uncoupling protein (UCP)1. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are somatic multipotent progenitors which differentiate into lipid-la... Read More about Cold-induced beigeing of stem cell-derived adipocytes is not fully reversible after return to normothermia.

Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo (2019)
Journal Article
Velickovic, K., Wayne, D., Lugo Leija, H. A., Bloor, I., Morris, D. E., Law, J., Budge, H., Sacks, H., Symonds, M. E., & Sottile, V. (2019). Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 9104.

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is able to rapidly generate heat and metabolise macronutrients, such as glucose and lipids, through activation of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). Diet can modulate UCP1 function but the capacity of individual nut... Read More about Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo.