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Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5 (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Hill, T., Coupland, C., Kendrick, D., Akbari, A., Rodgers, S., Watson, M. C., Tyrrell, E., Merrill, S., Martin, A., & Orton, E. (2022). Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5. Injury Prevention,

Background: Injuries in children aged under 5 years most commonly occur in the home and disproportionately affect those living in the most disadvantaged communities. The 'Safe at Home' (SAH) national home safety equipment scheme, which ran in England... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5.

P04-07 Factors associated with maintenance of physical activity in older adults undertaking a strength and balance programme for falls prevention (2022)
Journal Article
Blackmore, C., Kendrick, D., & Orton, E. (2022). P04-07 Factors associated with maintenance of physical activity in older adults undertaking a strength and balance programme for falls prevention. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement_2), Article ckac095.061.

Abstract Background Falls are a major cause of mortality and morbidity in older adults worldwide, yet those who are more physically active have a lower risk of falling. There is little information on which participants are most likely to complete fal... Read More about P04-07 Factors associated with maintenance of physical activity in older adults undertaking a strength and balance programme for falls prevention.

‘It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves’; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme (2022)
Journal Article
Gumber, L., Timmons, S., Coupland, C., Gladman, J., Lliffe, S., Kendrick, D., Lafond, N., Logan, P., Masud, T., Skelton, D., Timblin, C., & Orton, E. (2022). ‘It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves’; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme. Age and Ageing, 51(2), Article afac023.

Background: Older adults are at increased risk of falls due to ageing, decreased muscle strength and impaired balance. Clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme in improving fun... Read More about ‘It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves’; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme.