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Development of nanoparticle loaded microneedles for drug delivery to a brain tumour resection site (2022)
Journal Article
Muresan, P., McCrorie, P., Smith, F., Vasey, C., Taresco, V., Scurr, D. J., Kern, S., Smith, S., Gershkovich, P., Rahman, R., & Marlow, M. (2023). Development of nanoparticle loaded microneedles for drug delivery to a brain tumour resection site. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 182, 53-61.

Systemic drug delivery to the central nervous system (CNS) has been historically impeded by the presence of the blood brain barrier rendering many therapies inefficacious to any cancer cells residing within the brain. Therefore, local drug delivery s... Read More about Development of nanoparticle loaded microneedles for drug delivery to a brain tumour resection site.

Metabolic alterations in dairy cattle with lameness revealed by untargeted metabolomics of dried milk spots using direct infusion-tandem mass spectrometry and the triangulation of multiple machine learning models (2022)
Journal Article
He, W., Cardoso, A. S., Hyde, R. M., Green, M. J., Scurr, D. J., Griffiths, R., Randall, L. V., & Kim, D.-H. (2022). Metabolic alterations in dairy cattle with lameness revealed by untargeted metabolomics of dried milk spots using direct infusion-tandem mass spectrometry and the triangulation of multiple machine learning models. Analyst, 147(23), 5537-5545.

Lameness is a major challenge in the dairy cattle industry in terms of animal welfare and economic implications. Better understanding of metabolic alteration associated with lameness could lead to early diagnosis and effective treatment{,} there-fore... Read More about Metabolic alterations in dairy cattle with lameness revealed by untargeted metabolomics of dried milk spots using direct infusion-tandem mass spectrometry and the triangulation of multiple machine learning models.

Single-Cell Metabolic Profiling of Macrophages Using 3D OrbiSIMS: Correlations with Phenotype (2022)
Journal Article
Suvannapruk, W., Edney, M. K., Kim, D.-H., Scurr, D. J., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Alexander, M. R. (2022). Single-Cell Metabolic Profiling of Macrophages Using 3D OrbiSIMS: Correlations with Phenotype. Analytical Chemistry, 94(26), 9389–9398.

Macrophages are important immune cells that respond to environmental cues acquiring a range of activation statuses represented by pro-inflammatory (M1) and anti-inflammatory (M2) phenotypes at each end of their spectrum. Characterizing the metabolic... Read More about Single-Cell Metabolic Profiling of Macrophages Using 3D OrbiSIMS: Correlations with Phenotype.

Distribution of a highly lipophilic drug cannabidiol into different lymph nodes following oral administration in lipidic vehicle (2022)
Journal Article
Jewell, A., Brookes, A., Feng, W., Ashford, M., Gellert, P., Butler, J., Fischer, P. M., Scurr, D. J., Stocks, M. J., & Gershkovich, P. (2022). Distribution of a highly lipophilic drug cannabidiol into different lymph nodes following oral administration in lipidic vehicle. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 174, 29-34.

Efficient delivery of highly lipophilic drugs or prodrugs to the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) can be achieved following oral administration with lipids. However, it remains unclear which specific MLN can be targeted and to what extent. Moreover, the... Read More about Distribution of a highly lipophilic drug cannabidiol into different lymph nodes following oral administration in lipidic vehicle.

Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum (2022)
Journal Article
Starr, N. J., Khan, M. H., Edney, M. K., Trindade, G. F., Kern, S., Pirkl, A., Kleine-Boymann, M., Elmse, C., O'Mahony, M. M., Bell, M., Alexander, M. R., & Scurr, D. J. (2022). Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(12), Article e2114380119.

Characterization of the molecular structure of skin, especially the barrier layer, the stratum corneum, is a key research priority for generating understanding to improve diagnostics, aid pharmaceutical delivery, and prevent environmental damage. Our... Read More about Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum.

Molecular Formula Prediction for Chemical Filtering of 3D OrbiSIMS Datasets (2022)
Journal Article
Edney, M. K., Kotowska, A. M., Spanu, M., Trindade, G. F., Wilmot, E., Reid, J., Barker, J., Aylott, J. W., Shard, A. G., Alexander, M. R., Snape, C. E., & Scurr, D. J. (2022). Molecular Formula Prediction for Chemical Filtering of 3D OrbiSIMS Datasets. Analytical Chemistry, 94(11), 4703–4711.

Modern mass spectrometry techniques produce a wealth of spectral data, and although this is an advantage in terms of the richness of the information available, the volume and complexity of data can prevent a thorough interpretation to reach useful co... Read More about Molecular Formula Prediction for Chemical Filtering of 3D OrbiSIMS Datasets.

Efficacy of antimicrobial and anti-viral coated air filters to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens (2022)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Oldfield, M., Bryant, J. A., Riordan, L., Hill, H. J., Watts, J. A., Alexander, M. R., Cox, M. J., Stamataki, Z., Scurr, D. J., & de Cogan, F. (2022). Efficacy of antimicrobial and anti-viral coated air filters to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 2803.

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the real need for mechanisms to control the spread of airborne respiratory pathogens. Thus, preventing the spread of disease from pathogens has come to the forefront of the public consciousness. This has brought... Read More about Efficacy of antimicrobial and anti-viral coated air filters to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens.

Detection of Label-Free Drugs within Brain Tissue Using Orbitrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry as a Complement to Neuro-Oncological Drug Delivery (2022)
Journal Article
McCrorie, P., Rowlinson, J., Scurr, D. J., Marlow, M., & Rahman, R. (2022). Detection of Label-Free Drugs within Brain Tissue Using Orbitrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry as a Complement to Neuro-Oncological Drug Delivery. Pharmaceutics, 14(3), Article 571.

Historically, pre-clinical neuro-oncological drug delivery studies have exhaustively relied upon overall animal survival as an exclusive measure of efficacy. However, with no adopted methodology to both image and quantitate brain parenchyma penetrati... Read More about Detection of Label-Free Drugs within Brain Tissue Using Orbitrap Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry as a Complement to Neuro-Oncological Drug Delivery.

Quantifiable correlation of ToF-SIMS and XPS data from polymer surfaces with controlled amino acid and peptide content (2022)
Journal Article
Taylor, M., Simoes, F., Smith, J., Genapathy, S., Canning, A., Lledos, M., Chan, W. C., Denning, C., Scurr, D. J., Steven, R. T., Spencer, S. J., Shard, A. G., Alexander, M. R., & Zelzer, M. (2022). Quantifiable correlation of ToF-SIMS and XPS data from polymer surfaces with controlled amino acid and peptide content. Surface and Interface Analysis, 54(4), 417-432.

Peptide-coated surfaces are widely employed in biomaterial design, but quantifiable correlation between surface composition and biological response is challenging due to, for example, instrumental limitations, a lack of suitable model surfaces or lim... Read More about Quantifiable correlation of ToF-SIMS and XPS data from polymer surfaces with controlled amino acid and peptide content.