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All Outputs (9)

Nanostructured, Alkaline Titanate‐Converted, and Heat‐Treated Ti6Al4V Microspheres via Wet‐Chemical Alkaline Modification and their ORR Electrocatalytic Response (2022)
Journal Article
Wadge, M. D., Bird, M. A., Sankowski, A., Constantin, H., Fay, M. W., Cooper, T. P., O'Shea, J. N., Khlobystov, A. N., Walsh, D. A., Johnson, L. R., Felfel, R. M., Ahmed, I., & Grant, D. M. (2023). Nanostructured, Alkaline Titanate‐Converted, and Heat‐Treated Ti6Al4V Microspheres via Wet‐Chemical Alkaline Modification and their ORR Electrocatalytic Response. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10(5), Article 2201523.

This study describes the chemical conversion and heat treatment of Ti6Al4V microspheres (Ti6_MS), and the resulting effects on their electrocatalytic properties. The wet-chemical conversion (5.0m NaOH, 60°C, 24h; Sample label: Ti6_TC) converts the to... Read More about Nanostructured, Alkaline Titanate‐Converted, and Heat‐Treated Ti6Al4V Microspheres via Wet‐Chemical Alkaline Modification and their ORR Electrocatalytic Response.

Research and development of hydrogen carrier based solutions for hydrogen compression and storage (2022)
Journal Article
Dornheim, M., Baetcke, L., Akiba, E., Ares, J. R., Autrey, T., Barale, J., Baricco, M., Brooks, K., Chalkiadakis, N., Charbonnier, V., Christensen, S., Bellosta Von Colbe, J., Costamagna, M., Dematteis, E., Fernandez, J. F., Genett, T., Grant, D., Heo, T. W., Hirscher, M., Hurst, K., …Zoulias, E. (2022). Research and development of hydrogen carrier based solutions for hydrogen compression and storage. Progress in Energy, 4(4), Article 042005.

Industrial and public interest in hydrogen technologies has risen strongly recently, as hydrogen is the ideal means for medium to long term energy storage, transport and usage in combination with renewable and green energy supply. In a future energy... Read More about Research and development of hydrogen carrier based solutions for hydrogen compression and storage.

Hydrogen-Induced Conversion of SnS2 into SnS or Sn: A Route to Create SnS2/SnS Heterostructures (2022)
Journal Article
Patanè, A., Felton, J., Blundo, E., Kudrynskyi, Z., Ling, S., Bradford, J., Pettinari, G., Cooper, T., Wadge, M., Kovalyuk, Z., Polimeni, A., Beton, P., Grant, D., Walker, G., & Patane, A. (2022). Hydrogen-Induced Conversion of SnS2 into SnS or Sn: A Route to Create SnS2/SnS Heterostructures. Small, 18(33), Article 2202661.

The family of van der Waals (vdW) materials is large and diverse with applications ranging from electronics and optoelectronics to catalysis and chemical storage. However, despite intensive research, there remains significant knowledge-gaps pertainin... Read More about Hydrogen-Induced Conversion of SnS2 into SnS or Sn: A Route to Create SnS2/SnS Heterostructures.

Highly Aligned Ni-Decorated GO–CNT Nanostructures in Epoxy with Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties (2022)
Journal Article
Hu, C., Zhang, H., Neate, N., Fay, M., Hou, X., Grant, D., & Xu, F. (2022). Highly Aligned Ni-Decorated GO–CNT Nanostructures in Epoxy with Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties. Polymers, 14(13), Article 2583.

In this study, graphene oxide–carbon nanotubes nanostructures decorated with nickel nanoparticles (NiGNT) were prepared through the molecular-level-mixing method, followed by a reduction process, and then applied as reinforcements to enhance the epox... Read More about Highly Aligned Ni-Decorated GO–CNT Nanostructures in Epoxy with Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties.

Hydride-based thermal energy storage (2022)
Journal Article
Adams, M., Buckley, C. E., Busch, M., Bunzel, R., Felderhoff, M., Heo, T. W., Humphries, T., Jensen, T. R., Klug, J., Klug, K. H., Møller, K. T., Paskevicius, M., Peil, S., Peinecke, K., Sheppard, D. A., Stuart, A. D., Urbanczyk, R., Wang, F., Walker, G. S., Wood, B. C., …Grant, D. M. (2022). Hydride-based thermal energy storage. Progress in Energy, 4(3), Article 032008.

The potential and research surrounding metal hydride (MH) based thermal energy storage is discussed, focusing on next generation thermo-chemical energy storage (TCES) for concentrated solar power. The site availability model to represent the reaction... Read More about Hydride-based thermal energy storage.

Engineering the next generation of photorechargeable zinc-air batteries (2022)
Journal Article
Ola, O., Wang, N., Walker, G., Zhu, Y., & Grant, D. (2022). Engineering the next generation of photorechargeable zinc-air batteries. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 35, Article 101040.

Solar energy has been identified as one of the key building blocks of the future energy generation mix required to meet greenhouse gas emissions targets while leading the way to a zero-carbon economy. In our opinion, photorechargeable zinc-air batter... Read More about Engineering the next generation of photorechargeable zinc-air batteries.

Perspective — Redox Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Supercapattery (2022)
Journal Article
Guan, L., Chen, G. Z., Croft, A., & Grant, D. (2022). Perspective — Redox Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Supercapattery. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 169(3), Article 030529.

Adding redox activity into ionic liquids (ILs) extends their practical roles beyond an inert ionic conductor or electrolyte for applications in electrochemical energy storage. Especially for supercapatteries, redox ILs are desirable because they can... Read More about Perspective — Redox Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Supercapattery.

Characterization of potential nanoporous sodium titanate film formation on Ti6Al4V and TiO2 microspherical substrates via wet-chemical alkaline conversion (2022)
Journal Article
Wadge, M. D., Carrington, M. J., Constantin, H., Orange, K., Greaves, J., Islam, M. T., Hossain, K. M. Z., Cooper, T. P., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Felfel, R. M., Ahmed, I., & Grant, D. M. (2022). Characterization of potential nanoporous sodium titanate film formation on Ti6Al4V and TiO2 microspherical substrates via wet-chemical alkaline conversion. Materials Characterization, 185, Article 111760.

The authors present novel insights into the formation of nanoporous, wet-chemically produced sodium titanate films onto microspherical substrates of varying composition. Microspheres of Ti6Al4V (atomised; ca. 20–50 μm), which were utilised due to the... Read More about Characterization of potential nanoporous sodium titanate film formation on Ti6Al4V and TiO2 microspherical substrates via wet-chemical alkaline conversion.

Development and in vitro assessment of a bi-layered chitosan-nano-hydroxyapatite osteochondral scaffold (2022)
Journal Article
Pitrolino, K. A., Felfel, R. M., Pellizzeri, L. M., McLaren, J., Popov, A. A., Sottile, V., Scotchford, C. A., Scammell, B. E., Roberts, G. A., & Grant, D. M. (2022). Development and in vitro assessment of a bi-layered chitosan-nano-hydroxyapatite osteochondral scaffold. Carbohydrate Polymers, 282, Article 119126.

An innovative approach was developed to engineer a multi-layered chitosan scaffold for osteochondral defect repair. A combination of freeze drying and porogen-leaching out methods produced a porous, bioresorbable scaffold with a distinct gradient of... Read More about Development and in vitro assessment of a bi-layered chitosan-nano-hydroxyapatite osteochondral scaffold.