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All Outputs (29)

An asset management modelling framework for wind turbine blades considering monitoring system reliability (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, W., Prescott, D., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Saleh, A., & Chiachio Ruano, M. (2024). An asset management modelling framework for wind turbine blades considering monitoring system reliability. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 252, Article 110478.

By incorporating information about asset condition from a monitoring system, engineers can utilize asset management models to manage maintenance activities on wind turbine blades throughout their lifespan. This can lower operating and maintenance cos... Read More about An asset management modelling framework for wind turbine blades considering monitoring system reliability.

A general approach to assessing SHM reliability considering sensor failures based on information theory (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, W., Cantero-Chinchilla, S., Prescott, D., Remenyte-Prescott, R., & Chiachío, M. (2024). A general approach to assessing SHM reliability considering sensor failures based on information theory. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 250, Article 110267.

Structural health monitoring systems (SHM) involve implementing damage identification strategies to determine the health state of structures. However, it is important to pay close attention to the system degradation, especially the... Read More about A general approach to assessing SHM reliability considering sensor failures based on information theory.

Modular asset management framework based on Petri-net formalisations and risk-aware maintenance (2023)
Journal Article
Hadri, O., & Prescott, D. (2024). Modular asset management framework based on Petri-net formalisations and risk-aware maintenance. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 243, Article 109828.

Probabilistic risk analysis (PRA) is fundamental in safety assessment. Current PRA tools face notable limitations for complex systems, such as the heavily reliance on historical failure data. Moreover, existing tools cannot replicate complex asset ma... Read More about Modular asset management framework based on Petri-net formalisations and risk-aware maintenance.

A novel fault detection and diagnostic Petri net methodology for dynamic systems (2023)
Journal Article
Badmus, T. A., Remenyte-Prescott, R., & Prescott, D. (2025). A novel fault detection and diagnostic Petri net methodology for dynamic systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 239(1), 136 - 161.

Faults can have significant, negative impacts on the operation and performance of simple and complex dynamic systems. Based on the integration of Bayesian network diagnostic features with Petri net formalism, the existing Bayesian-supported Petri net... Read More about A novel fault detection and diagnostic Petri net methodology for dynamic systems.

Intelligent and adaptive asset management model for railway sections using the iPN method (2023)
Journal Article
Saleh, A., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Prescott, D., & Chiachío, M. (2024). Intelligent and adaptive asset management model for railway sections using the iPN method. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 241, Article 109687.

The maintenance strategy in railway transportation is crucial in ensuring safety, availability, and reducing operating costs. However, finding the optimal maintenance plan that takes into account the complex relationships between ra... Read More about Intelligent and adaptive asset management model for railway sections using the iPN method.

An asset management framework for wind turbine blades considering reliability of monitoring system (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wu, W., Prescott, D., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Saleh, A., & Chiachio Ruano, M. (2023, September). An asset management framework for wind turbine blades considering reliability of monitoring system. Presented at 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023), Southampton, UK

In this study, a wind turbine (WT) blade asset management (AM) Petri net (PN) model is presented, which incorporates risk-based maintenance and structural health monitoring (SHM). Firstly, PN modules cover the entirety of the blade AM process, descri... Read More about An asset management framework for wind turbine blades considering reliability of monitoring system.

Improving the Modelling Capability of an Integrated Fault Detection and Diagnostic Petri Net Methodology for Dynamic Systems (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Badmus, T. A., Prescott, D., & Remenyte-Prescott, R. (2023, July). Improving the Modelling Capability of an Integrated Fault Detection and Diagnostic Petri Net Methodology for Dynamic Systems. Presented at 12th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), Nottingham, UK

The existing Generalised Stochastic Petri Net and modified Bayesian Stochastic Petri Net (GSPN-mBSPN) methodology has demonstrated improved modelling capabilities for fault diagnosis in dynamic systems with feedback control loops. However, the GSPN-m... Read More about Improving the Modelling Capability of an Integrated Fault Detection and Diagnostic Petri Net Methodology for Dynamic Systems.

A general approach for evaluating SHM system reliability with sensor failures (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wu, W., Cantero-Chinchilla, S., Remenyte-Prescot, R., Prescott, D., Saleh, A., Chiachio Ruano, M., & Chronopoulos, D. (2023, July). A general approach for evaluating SHM system reliability with sensor failures. Presented at 12th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR), Nottingham, UK

Structural health monitoring (SHM) systems involve implementing damage identification strategies to determine health states of structures. However, it is important to pay close attention to the degradation of the SHM itself, especially the effect of... Read More about A general approach for evaluating SHM system reliability with sensor failures.

Fault Tree to Petri Net Conversion for the Analysis of a Standby System (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Prescott, D. (2023, April). Fault Tree to Petri Net Conversion for the Analysis of a Standby System. Presented at 62nd ESReDA Seminar, University of Twente, the Netherlands

Although fault trees are widely used, their quantitative analysis is limited by the need for basic event independence. Dynamic and Dependent Tree Theory (D2T 2 ) has been proposed to overcome this limitation and requires dependent system fault tree e... Read More about Fault Tree to Petri Net Conversion for the Analysis of a Standby System.

Asset management modelling approach integrating structural health monitoring data for composite components of wind turbine blades (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wu, W., Saleh, A., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Prescott, D., Ruano, M. C., & Chronopoulos, D. (2022, August). Asset management modelling approach integrating structural health monitoring data for composite components of wind turbine blades. Presented at 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), Dublin, Ireland

Optimal asset management strategies for wind turbine blades help to reduce their operation and maintenance costs, and ensure their reliability and safety. Structural health monitoring (SHM) can determine the health state of wind turbine blades throug... Read More about Asset management modelling approach integrating structural health monitoring data for composite components of wind turbine blades.

Using a Novel Hierarchical Coloured Petri Net to Model and Optimise Fleet Spare Inventory, Cannibalisation and Preventive Maintenance (2019)
Journal Article
Sheng, J., & Prescott, D. (2019). Using a Novel Hierarchical Coloured Petri Net to Model and Optimise Fleet Spare Inventory, Cannibalisation and Preventive Maintenance. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 191, Article 106579.

Spare part availability is crucial to restoring inoperative platforms to the working state. Platforms failing during operation undergo corrective maintenance to replace failed components with spares. To reduce the frequency of this unplanned, correct... Read More about Using a Novel Hierarchical Coloured Petri Net to Model and Optimise Fleet Spare Inventory, Cannibalisation and Preventive Maintenance.

A coloured Petri net framework for modelling aircraft fleet maintenance (2019)
Journal Article
Sheng, J., & Prescott, D. (2019). A coloured Petri net framework for modelling aircraft fleet maintenance. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 189, 67-88.

The aircraft fleet maintenance organisation is responsible for keeping aircraft in a safe, efficient operating condition. Through optimising the use of maintenance resources and the implementation of maintenance activities, fleet maintenance manageme... Read More about A coloured Petri net framework for modelling aircraft fleet maintenance.

Plausible petri nets as self-adaptive expert systems: a tool for infrastructure asset monitoring (2018)
Journal Article
Chiachío, M., Chiachío, J., Prescott, D., & Andrews, J. (2019). Plausible petri nets as self-adaptive expert systems: a tool for infrastructure asset monitoring. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 34(4), 281-298.

This paper provides a computational framework to model self-adaptive expert systems using the Petri net (PN) formalism. Self-adaptive expert systems are understood here as expert systems with the ability to autonomously learn from external inputs, li... Read More about Plausible petri nets as self-adaptive expert systems: a tool for infrastructure asset monitoring.

A methodology for railway track maintenance modelling using Plausible Petri nets (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chiachio, M., Chiachio, J., Prescott, D., & Andrews, J. (2018, September). A methodology for railway track maintenance modelling using Plausible Petri nets. Paper presented at Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management PSAM 14

This paper proposes a new mathematical methodology to model expert systems with the ability to sequentially learn from data. To this end, the Plausible Petri nets (PPNs) methodology, first developed in M. Chiachío et al. [Proceedings of the Future Te... Read More about A methodology for railway track maintenance modelling using Plausible Petri nets.

Modelling adaptive systems using plausible Petri nets (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chiachío, J., Chiachío, M., Prescott, D., & Andrews, J. (2018, July). Modelling adaptive systems using plausible Petri nets. Presented at 8th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing, “ Computing with Confidence ”

One of the main challenges when analyzing and modelling complex systems using Petri nets is to deal with uncertain information, and moreover, to be able to use such uncertainty to dynamically adapt the modelled system to uncertain (changing) contextu... Read More about Modelling adaptive systems using plausible Petri nets.

A knowledge-based prognostics framework for railway track geometry degradation (2018)
Journal Article
Chiachío, J., Chiachío, M., Prescott, D., & Andrews, J. (2019). A knowledge-based prognostics framework for railway track geometry degradation. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 181, 127-141.

This paper proposes a paradigm shift to the problem of infrastructure asset management modelling by focusing towards forecasting the future condition of the assets instead of using empirical modelling approaches based on historical data. The proposed... Read More about A knowledge-based prognostics framework for railway track geometry degradation.

A Bayesian assessment for railway track geometry degradation prognostics (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chiachío, J., Chiachío, M., Prescott, D., & Andrews, J. (2018, July). A Bayesian assessment for railway track geometry degradation prognostics. Presented at 4th European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHME 2018)

Advanced PHM techniques have the potential to substantially reduce railway track maintenance costs while increasing safety and availability. However, there is still a significant lack of knowledge and experience in relation to suitable PHM models and... Read More about A Bayesian assessment for railway track geometry degradation prognostics.

A Bayesian Assessment of an Approximate Model for Unconfined Water Flow in Sloping Layered Porous Media (2018)
Journal Article
Chiachío, J., Chiachío, M., Sankararaman, S., & Prescott, D. (2019). A Bayesian Assessment of an Approximate Model for Unconfined Water Flow in Sloping Layered Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 126(1), 177-197.

© 2018, The Author(s). The prediction of water table height in unconfined layered porous media is a difficult modelling problem that typically requires numerical simulation.This paper proposes an analytical model to approximate the exact solution bas... Read More about A Bayesian Assessment of an Approximate Model for Unconfined Water Flow in Sloping Layered Porous Media.

A new paradigm for uncertain knowledge representation by Plausible Petri nets (2018)
Journal Article
Chiachío, M., Chiachío, J., Prescott, D., & Andrews, J. (2018). A new paradigm for uncertain knowledge representation by Plausible Petri nets. Information Sciences, 453,

This paper presents a new model for Petri nets (PNs) which combines PN principles with the foundations of information theory for uncertain knowledge representation. The resulting framework has been named Plausible Petri nets (PPNs). The main feature... Read More about A new paradigm for uncertain knowledge representation by Plausible Petri nets.

A reliability-based prognostics framework for railway track management (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chiachío, J., Chiachío, M., Prescott, D., & Andrews, J. A reliability-based prognostics framework for railway track management. Presented at Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2017

Railway track geometry deterioration due to traffic loading is a complex problem with important implications in cost and safety. Without appropriate maintenance, track deterioration can lead to severe speed restrictions or disruptions, and in extreme... Read More about A reliability-based prognostics framework for railway track management.