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All Outputs (3)

High-Frequency Elastic Coupling at the Interface of van der Waals Nanolayers Imaged by Picosecond Ultrasonics (2019)
Journal Article
Greener, J. D., de Lima Savi, E., Akimov, A. V., Raetz, S., Kudrynskyi, Z., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Chigarev, N., Kent, A., Patané, A., & Gusev, V. E. (2019). High-Frequency Elastic Coupling at the Interface of van der Waals Nanolayers Imaged by Picosecond Ultrasonics. ACS Nano, 13(10), 11530-11537.

Although the topography of van de Waals (vdW) layers and heterostructures can be imaged by scanning probe microscopy, high-frequency interface elastic properties are more difficult to assess. These can influence the stability, reliability and perform... Read More about High-Frequency Elastic Coupling at the Interface of van der Waals Nanolayers Imaged by Picosecond Ultrasonics.

30 μm thick GaAs X-ray p + -i-n + photodiode grown by MBE (2019)
Journal Article
Lioliou, G., Poyser, C., Butera, S., Campion, R., Kent, A., & Barnett, A. (2019). 30 μm thick GaAs X-ray p + -i-n + photodiode grown by MBE. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 946, Article 162670.

7 8 A GaAs p +-in + photodiode detector with a 30 μm thick i layer and a 400 μm diameter was processed using 9 standard wet chemical etching from material grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The detector was 10 characterized for its electrical and photo... Read More about 30 μm thick GaAs X-ray p + -i-n + photodiode grown by MBE.

Ultrafast insulator-metal transition in VO2 nanostructures assisted by picosecond strain pulses (2019)
Journal Article
Mogunov, I. A., Fernández, F., Lysenko, S., Kent, A., Scherbakov, A., Kalashnikova, A., & Akimov, A. (2019). Ultrafast insulator-metal transition in VO2 nanostructures assisted by picosecond strain pulses. Physical Review Applied, 11(1), Article 014054.

Strain engineering is a powerful technology that exploits the stationary external or internal stress of specific spatial distribution for controlling the fundamental properties of condensed materials and nanostructures. This advanced technique modula... Read More about Ultrafast insulator-metal transition in VO2 nanostructures assisted by picosecond strain pulses.