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Norms, normality and normalization: papers from the postgraduate summer school in German Studies, Nottingham, July 2013

Norms, normality and normalization: papers from the postgraduate summer school in German Studies, Nottingham, July 2013 Thumbnail


Matthias Uecker

Dirk G�ttsche

Helen Budd

Gesine Haberlah


A collection of 12 papers delivered at the DAAD Postgraduate Summer School in German Studies "Norms, Normality and Normalization".

Matthias Uecker: Introduction: Norms, normality and normalization; Jürgen Link: Crisis between ʻDenormalizationʼ and the ʻNew Normalʼ: reflections on the theory of normalism today; Helen Budd: Normalizing masculinities: representations of the military in literature and films in 1950s West Germany; Franziska Schratt: Fatherless identities in Wim Wenders’ Kings of the road and Notebook on cities and clothes; Anna Stiefel: In/Out: Social norms in mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in Miguel Abrantes Ostrowski’s Sacro Pop: ein Schuljungen-Report (2004) and Michael Borlik’s Ihr mich auch (2010); Sarah Maass: Normativierung, Normalisierung und Hypernormalismus: Technologien des Körpers und des Selbst in der Castingshow "Germany’s Next Topmodel"; Nina Schmidt: ‘[E]ndlich normal gewordenʼ? Reassembling an image of the self in Kathrin Schmidt’s Du stirbst nicht (2009); Tom Padden: ‘Gegen die strategische Bereitstellung für einen möglichen Krieg’: the peace movement and the normalization of threat in the late Cold War; Mathelinda Nabugodi: On some methodological motifs in Benjamin; Japhet Johnstone: Inverting norms in nineteenth-century German philosophy; Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf: Norm, Form und Modell: Paradigma Autobiographie; Gesine Haberlah: Fiktionalisierte Fakten und essayistische Erinnerungen: Gattungshybridisierung in Stephan Wackwitz' Ein unsichtbares Land (2003); Alexander Scholz: Die Wahrnehmung innovativer Schriften: literarischer Stil als Normabweichung und das ästhetische Erscheinen von Texten


M. Uecker, D. Göttsche, H. Budd, & G. Haberlah (Eds.), Norms, normality and normalization: papers from the postgraduate summer school in German Studies, Nottingham, July 2013. Nottingham ePrints

Book Type Authored Book
Deposit Date Oct 3, 2014
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
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