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Energy Storage System Selection for Optimal Fuel Consumption of Aircraft Hybrid Electric Taxiing Systems

Recalde, Angel; Lukic, Milos; Hebala, Ahmed; Giangrande, Paolo; Klumpner, Christian; Nuzzo, Stefano; Connor, Peter H.; Atkin, Jason; Bozhko, Serhiy; Galea, Michael

Energy Storage System Selection for Optimal Fuel Consumption of Aircraft Hybrid Electric Taxiing Systems Thumbnail


Angel Recalde

Milos Lukic

Ahmed Hebala

Paolo Giangrande

Stefano Nuzzo

Senior Application Engineers in Industrialisation of Electrical Machines and Drives

Michael Galea


IEEE Aircraft taxiing is conventionally performed using the main engines’ inefficient idle thrust. Therefore, in line with greener aviation, the electrification of taxiing is the most viable option to reduce emissions, noise, and fossil fuel consumption during ground operations. This paper studies the potential of hybridising the conventional electric taxiing system, which is currently driven by the Auxiliary Power Unit, with an electrical energy storage system, comprising commercial high-energy and high-power lithium-ion batteries, for the purpose of reducing fuel consumption. Hence, a power distribution optimisation is formulated to minimise fuel consumption over a typical worst-case taxi-out profile. Three different energy management strategies are presented for a narrow-body aeroplane. The optimisation is performed for the selection of off-the-shelf batteries so that their impact on fuel savings can be evaluated in the early design stage. The study showed that a wide range of savings is achievable according to the selected strategy, the added weight allowance, and the battery characteristics. Considering a 180 kg added weight allowance and covering the three investigated strategies, up to 72% of taxiing fuel is saved.


Recalde, A., Lukic, M., Hebala, A., Giangrande, P., Klumpner, C., Nuzzo, S., Connor, P. H., Atkin, J., Bozhko, S., & Galea, M. (2021). Energy Storage System Selection for Optimal Fuel Consumption of Aircraft Hybrid Electric Taxiing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 7(3), 1870-1887.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 16, 2020
Online Publication Date Nov 20, 2020
Publication Date 2021-09
Deposit Date Nov 18, 2020
Publicly Available Date Nov 20, 2020
Journal IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Electronic ISSN 2332-7782
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 3
Pages 1870-1887
Keywords Fuels , Batteries , Aircraft , Optimization , Aircraft propulsion , Generators , Energy management
Public URL
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