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Small- and medium-sized enterprises' carbon footprint reduction initiatives as a catalyst for green jobs: A systematic review and comprehensive business strategy agenda

Olekanma, Obafemi; Rodrigo, Liyanage S.; Adu, Douglas A.; Gahir, Bruce

Small- and medium-sized enterprises' carbon footprint reduction initiatives as a catalyst for green jobs: A systematic review and comprehensive business strategy agenda Thumbnail


Obafemi Olekanma

Liyanage S. Rodrigo

Bruce Gahir


Motivated by the growing attention on climate change, this study provides an up-to-date and comprehensive systematic literature review (SLR) on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) carbon footprint reduction initiatives and green jobs. Based on datasets from databases that include Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest and Google Scholar, we conducted a SLR of 70 published articles spanning 2012 to 2022. Using VOSviewer and InfraNodus, bibliographic cluster analysis revealed the existence of three clusters namely; the role of green job initiatives and green human resource management in SMEs (cluster 1); green innovation, green Initiatives, green strategy and circular economy in SMEs (cluster 2); carbon footprint reduction initiatives, carbon performance, carbon management and carbon emission in SMEs (cluster 3).

We found that SMEs adopt green supply chain, employing energy-saving strategies, eco-friendly waste reductions and recycling, circular economy, and green office practices. The study results indicate that these carbon footprint initiatives can lead to green job creation since green competences are required to implement green initiatives. However, value propositions relating to carbon reduction initiatives within SMEs need to be integrated with employee engagement.

Additionally, the SLR identifies future research areas that include exploring the association among SMEs carbon footprint, green innovation and green jobs, and strategies to enhance climate change initiatives. Consequently, we call for future research to focus on the design of green jobs tracking and carbon footprint reduction reporting framework to support SMEs' green initiatives. The findings have key policy implications for SME owners, policymakers, practitioners, and future researchers.


Olekanma, O., Rodrigo, L. S., Adu, D. A., & Gahir, B. (in press). Small- and medium-sized enterprises' carbon footprint reduction initiatives as a catalyst for green jobs: A systematic review and comprehensive business strategy agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 4, 2024
Online Publication Date Jun 23, 2024
Deposit Date Oct 24, 2024
Publicly Available Date Oct 25, 2024
Print ISSN 0964-4733
Electronic ISSN 1099-0836
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL
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