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How a thrombectomy service can reduce hospital deficit: a cost-effectiveness study

Grunwald, Iris Q.; Wagner, Viola; Podlasek, Anna; Koduri, Gouri; Guyler, Paul; Gerry, Stephen; Shah, Sweni; Sievert, Horst; Sharma, Aarti; Mathur, Shrey; Fassbender, Klaus; Shariat, Kaveh; Houston, Graeme; Kanodia, Avinash; Walter, Silke

How a thrombectomy service can reduce hospital deficit: a cost-effectiveness study Thumbnail


Iris Q. Grunwald

Viola Wagner

Anna Podlasek

Gouri Koduri

Paul Guyler

Stephen Gerry

Sweni Shah

Horst Sievert

Aarti Sharma

Shrey Mathur

Klaus Fassbender

Kaveh Shariat

Graeme Houston

Avinash Kanodia

Silke Walter


Background: There is level 1 evidence for cerebral thrombectomy with thrombolysis in acute large vessel occlusion. Many hospitals are now contemplating setting up this life-saving service. For the hospital, however, the first treatment is associated with an initial high cost to cover the procedure. Whilst the health economic benefit of treating stroke is documented, this is the only study to date performing matched-pair, patient-level costing to determine treatment cost within the first hospital episode and up to 90days post-event. Methods: We conducted a retrospective coarsened exact matched-pair analysis of 50 acute stroke patients eligible for thrombectomy. Results: Thrombectomy resulted in significantly more good outcomes (mRS 0–2) compared to matched controls (56% vs 8%, p = 0.001). More patients in the thrombectomy group could be discharged home (60% vs 28%), fewer were discharged to nursing homes (4% vs 16%), residential homes (0% vs 12%) or rehabilitation centres (8% vs 20%). Thrombectomy patients had fewer serious adverse events (n = 30 vs 86) and were, on average, discharged 36days earlier. They required significantly fewer physiotherapy sessions (18.72 vs 46.49, p = 0.0009) resulting in a median reduction in total rehabilitation cost of £4982 (p = 0.0002) per patient. The total cost of additional investigations was £227 lower (p = 0.0369). Overall, the median cost without thrombectomy was £39,664 per case vs £22,444, resulting in median savings of £17,221 (p = 0.0489). Conclusions: Mechanical thrombectomy improved patient outcome, reduced length of hospitalisation and, even without procedural reimbursement, significantly reduced cost to the thrombectomy providing hospital.


Grunwald, I. Q., Wagner, V., Podlasek, A., Koduri, G., Guyler, P., Gerry, S., Shah, S., Sievert, H., Sharma, A., Mathur, S., Fassbender, K., Shariat, K., Houston, G., Kanodia, A., & Walter, S. (2022). How a thrombectomy service can reduce hospital deficit: a cost-effectiveness study. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 20(1), Article 59.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 17, 2022
Online Publication Date Nov 4, 2022
Publication Date Nov 4, 2022
Deposit Date Jun 9, 2023
Publicly Available Date Jun 14, 2023
Journal Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation
Electronic ISSN 1478-7547
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 20
Issue 1
Article Number 59
Public URL
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