Maike Ostmann
Localization in spin chains with facilitation constraints and disordered interactions
Ostmann, Maike; Marcuzzi, Matteo; Garrahan, Juan P; Lesanovsky, Igor
Matteo Marcuzzi
Quantum many-body systems with kinetic constraints exhibit intriguing relaxation dynamics. Recent experimental progress in the field of cold atomic gases offers a handle for probing collective behavior of such systems, in particular for understanding the interplay between constraints and disorder. Here we explore a spin chain with facilitation constraints-a feature which is often used to model classical glass formers-together with disorder that originates from spin-spin interactions. The specific model we study, which is realized in a natural fashion in Rydberg quantum simulators, maps onto an XX-chain with non-local disorder. Our study shows that the combination of constraints and seemingly unconventional disorder may lead to interesting non-equilibrium behaviour in experimentally relevant setups. Introduction-Localization phenomena in many-body quantum systems are currently under extensive investigation. Initially, localization was discussed by Anderson [1] for non-interacting quantum particles in disordered potential landscapes. Since then the focus has increasingly shifted to the many-body domain, partially fueled by the development of refined techniques to experimentally engineer and probe many-body systems with cold atoms [2]. By now, evidence has been found that in isolated , one-dimensional, interacting systems the presence of disorder induces a phase transition from a thermal to a many-body localized one where ergodicity breaks down [3-20]; for reviews see [21-23]. Experiments [20, 24-26] have confirmed theoretical predictions, and signatures of MBL have also been identified in two-dimensional systems [27]. Aspects of MBL are also present in systems with weak periodic driving [28], in systems with disordered interactions [29, 30] as well as in systems coupled to an environment [31-36]. A second mechanism for interesting quantum relaxation is via constraints in the dynamics. In analogy with what occurs in models of classical glasses [37], quantum systems with kinetic constraints can display very slow and complex relaxation [38-40] and can be used to probe the emergence of MBL-like physics in the absence of disorder [41-51]. Hamiltonians with kinetic constraints can display particular many-body eigenstates that generalize the concept of quantum scars to interacting systems [52-55]. Constraints can further impose restrictions on the quantum dynamics either by removing states from the Hilbert space and/or by cutting off transition pathways between states. Supplemented by the presence of disorder , it is expected that constrained systems become very prone to localisation [56]. Here we are interested in understanding localization in disordered spin chains in the presence of facilitation kinetic constraints. Such a scenario was recently realized experimentally [57] within an optical lattice quantum simulator consisting of individually trapped Rydberg atoms [58-61]. Here atoms are excited in a way that
Ostmann, M., Marcuzzi, M., Garrahan, J. P., & Lesanovsky, I. (2019). Localization in spin chains with facilitation constraints and disordered interactions. Physical Review A, 99(6), 1-7.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | May 14, 2019 |
Online Publication Date | Jun 6, 2019 |
Publication Date | Jun 6, 2019 |
Deposit Date | Jun 18, 2019 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 19, 2019 |
Journal | Physical Review A |
Print ISSN | 2469-9926 |
Electronic ISSN | 2469-9934 |
Publisher | American Physical Society |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 99 |
Issue | 6 |
Article Number | 060101(R) |
Pages | 1-7 |
DOI | |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
Contract Date | Jun 18, 2019 |
Locfac Reresubmission
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