Preparation and characterization of composites using blends of divinylbenzene-based hyperbranched and linear functionalized polymers
Journal Article
Kabir, S. F., Adlington, K., Parsons, A. J., Irvine, D. J., & Ahmed, I. (2021). Preparation and characterization of composites using blends of divinylbenzene-based hyperbranched and linear functionalized polymers. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 32(8), 3333-3342.
In this study, hyperbranched polymers were explored as matrix modifiers to create E-glass fiber (GF) reinforced polymer composites with enhanced mechanical properties. Hyperbranched polymers have lower viscosities than their linear equivalents, poten... Read More about Preparation and characterization of composites using blends of divinylbenzene-based hyperbranched and linear functionalized polymers.