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Outputs (31)

Counter-Insurgency against ‘kith and kin’?: the British Army in Northern Ireland, 1970–76 (2015)
Journal Article
Burke, E. (in press). Counter-Insurgency against ‘kith and kin’?: the British Army in Northern Ireland, 1970–76. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 43(4),

This article argues that state violence in Northern Ireland during the period 1970–1976—when violence during the Troubles was at its height and before the re-introduction of the policy of police primacy in 1976—was on a greatly reduced scale from tha... Read More about Counter-Insurgency against ‘kith and kin’?: the British Army in Northern Ireland, 1970–76.

Carbon leakage and the argument from no difference (2015)
Journal Article
Rendall, M. (2015). Carbon leakage and the argument from no difference. Environmental Values, 24(4),

Critics of carbon mitigation often appeal to what Jonathan Glover has called ‘the argument from no difference’: that is, ‘if I don’t do it, someone else will’. Yet even if this justifies continued high emissions by the industrialised countries, it ca... Read More about Carbon leakage and the argument from no difference.

Mere addition and the separateness of persons (2015)
Journal Article
Rendall, M. (2015). Mere addition and the separateness of persons. Journal of Philosophy, 112(8),

How can we resist the repugnant conclusion? James Griffin has suggested that part way through the sequence we may reach a world—let us call it “J”— in which the lives are lexically superior to those that follow. If it would be better to live a single... Read More about Mere addition and the separateness of persons.

Rethinking the employability of international graduate migrants: reflections on the experiences of Zimbabweans with degrees from England (2015)
Journal Article
McGrath, S., Madziva, R., & Thondhlana, J. (in press). Rethinking the employability of international graduate migrants: reflections on the experiences of Zimbabweans with degrees from England. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 41(2), 238-259.

The last decade has seen the rise of literatures that have focused on the rapid expansion of the numbers of international students in higher education globally and the growing policy discourse around improving graduate employability. However, both, i... Read More about Rethinking the employability of international graduate migrants: reflections on the experiences of Zimbabweans with degrees from England.

‘Axis of evil or access to diesel?: spaces of new imperialism and the Iraq war’ (2015)
Journal Article
Bieler, A., & Morton, A. D. (2015). ‘Axis of evil or access to diesel?: spaces of new imperialism and the Iraq war’. Historical Materialism, 23(2),

The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was waged by the so-called ‘Coalition of the Willing’. This paper will examine how the war was a space in the ongoing geographical extension of global capitalism linked to U.S. foreign policy. Was it simply the decision b... Read More about ‘Axis of evil or access to diesel?: spaces of new imperialism and the Iraq war’.

It’s Been Mostly About Money! A Multi-method Research Approach to the Sources of Institutionalization (2015)
Journal Article
Casal Bértoa, F. (2017). It’s Been Mostly About Money! A Multi-method Research Approach to the Sources of Institutionalization. Sociological Methods and Research, 46(4), 683-714.

Although much has been written about the process of party system insti- tutionalization in different regions, the reasons why some party systems institutionalize while others do not still remain a mystery. Seeking to fill this lacuna in the literatur... Read More about It’s Been Mostly About Money! A Multi-method Research Approach to the Sources of Institutionalization.

The Contingency of Voter Learning: How Election Debates Influence Voters’ Ability and Accuracy to Position Parties in the 2010 Dutch Election Campaign (2015)
Journal Article
Van der Meer, T. W., Walter, A., & Van Aelst, P. (2015). The Contingency of Voter Learning: How Election Debates Influence Voters’ Ability and Accuracy to Position Parties in the 2010 Dutch Election Campaign. Political Communication, 33(1),

Election campaigns are expected to inform voters about parties’ issue positions, thereby increasing voters’ ability to influence future policy and thus enhancing the practice of democratic government. We argue that campaign learning is not only conti... Read More about The Contingency of Voter Learning: How Election Debates Influence Voters’ Ability and Accuracy to Position Parties in the 2010 Dutch Election Campaign.

John Stuart Mill, utility and the family: attacking ‘the citadel of the enemy’ (2015)
Journal Article
McCabe, H. (2015). John Stuart Mill, utility and the family: attacking ‘the citadel of the enemy’. Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 272(2),

John Stuart Mill’s commitment to female equality has generally been acknowledged as positive, but certain passages have been damned as anti-feminist or myopic regarding the reality of patriarchy, and used as sticks with which to beat both Mill’s theo... Read More about John Stuart Mill, utility and the family: attacking ‘the citadel of the enemy’.