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Study of intragastric structuring ability of sodium alginate based o/w emulsions under in vitro physiological pre-absorptive digestion conditions (2015)
Journal Article
Soukoulis, C., Fisk, I. D., Bohn, T., & Hoffmann, L. (2016). Study of intragastric structuring ability of sodium alginate based o/w emulsions under in vitro physiological pre-absorptive digestion conditions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 140,

In the present work, the intragastric structuring ability of o/w emulsions either stabilised (1–4%, w/w of sodium alginate (SA)) or structured with sheared ionic gel (1–3%, w/w of SA crosslinked with Ca2+) in the absence (saliva and gastric phases co... Read More about Study of intragastric structuring ability of sodium alginate based o/w emulsions under in vitro physiological pre-absorptive digestion conditions.

Impact of nitrogen flushing and oil choice on the progression of lipid oxidation in unwashed fried sliced potato crisps (2015)
Journal Article
Marasca, E., Greetham, D., Herring, S., & Fisk, I. D. (2015). Impact of nitrogen flushing and oil choice on the progression of lipid oxidation in unwashed fried sliced potato crisps. Food Chemistry, 199,

Unwashed, sliced, batch-fried potato crisps have a unique texture and are growing in popularity in the UK/EU premium snack food market. In this study, the storage stability of unwashed sliced (high surface starch) potatoes (crisps) fried in regular s... Read More about Impact of nitrogen flushing and oil choice on the progression of lipid oxidation in unwashed fried sliced potato crisps.

Compositional and physicochemical factors governing the viability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG embedded in starch-protein based edible films (2015)
Journal Article
Parmenter, C., Soukoulis, C., Singh, P., Macnaughtan, W., Parmenter, C. D., & Fisk, I. D. (2016). Compositional and physicochemical factors governing the viability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG embedded in starch-protein based edible films. Food Hydrocolloids, 52, 876-887.

Probiotic incorporation in edible films and coatings has been shown recently to be an efficient strategy for the delivery of probiotics in foods. In the present work, the impact of the compositional, physicochemical and structural properties of binar... Read More about Compositional and physicochemical factors governing the viability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG embedded in starch-protein based edible films.

Development and validation of an APCI-MS / GC-MS approach for the classification and prediction of cheddar cheese maturity (2015)
Journal Article
Gan, H.-H., Bingnan, Y., Linforth, R. S., & Fisk, I. D. (2016). Development and validation of an APCI-MS / GC-MS approach for the classification and prediction of cheddar cheese maturity. Food Chemistry, 190, 442-447.

Headspace techniques have been extensively employed in food analysis to measure volatile compounds, which play a central role in the perceived quality of food. In this study atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation-mass spectrometry (APCI-MS), couple... Read More about Development and validation of an APCI-MS / GC-MS approach for the classification and prediction of cheddar cheese maturity.

Programmed emulsions for sodium reduction in emulsion based foods (2015)
Journal Article
Chiu, N., Hewson, L., Fisk, I. D., & Wolf, B. (2015). Programmed emulsions for sodium reduction in emulsion based foods. Food and Function, 6(5), 1428-1434.

© The Royal Society of Chemistry. In this research a microstructure approach to reduce sodium levels in emulsion based foods is presented. If successful, this strategy will enable reduction of sodium without affecting consumer satisfaction with regar... Read More about Programmed emulsions for sodium reduction in emulsion based foods.

Controlling salt and aroma perception through the inclusion of air fillers (2015)
Journal Article
Chiu, N., Hewson, L., Yang, N., Linforth, R., & Fisk, I. D. (2015). Controlling salt and aroma perception through the inclusion of air fillers. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 63(1), 65-70.

© 2015 The Authors. Global dietary sodium consumption significantly exceeds the WHO recommended intake levels, although strategies are available for sodium reduction, most are partial product-specific solutions. A wider range of approaches is urgentl... Read More about Controlling salt and aroma perception through the inclusion of air fillers.