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One gene, many proteins: mapping cell-specific alternative splicing in plants (2016)
Journal Article
Swarup, R., Crespi, M., & Bennett, M. J. (2016). One gene, many proteins: mapping cell-specific alternative splicing in plants. Developmental Cell, 39(4), 383-385.

Pre-mRNA alternative splicing (AS) generates protein variants from a single gene that can create novel regulatory opportunities. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Li et al. (2016) present a high-resolution expression map of AS events in Arabidopsi... Read More about One gene, many proteins: mapping cell-specific alternative splicing in plants.

Cytokinin acts through the auxin influx carrier AUX1 to regulate cell elongation in the root (2016)
Journal Article
Street, I. H., Mathews, D. E., Yamburkenko, M. V., Sorooshzadeh, A., John, R. T., Swarup, R., Bennett, M. J., Kieber, J. J., & Schaller, G. E. (2016). Cytokinin acts through the auxin influx carrier AUX1 to regulate cell elongation in the root. Development, 143(21), 3982-3993.

Hormonal interactions are critical for plant development. In Arabidopsis, cytokinins inhibit root growth through effects on cell proliferation and cell elongation. Here we define key mechanistic elements in a regulatory network by which cytokinin inh... Read More about Cytokinin acts through the auxin influx carrier AUX1 to regulate cell elongation in the root.

Dioxygenase-encoding AtDAO1 gene controls IAA oxidation and homeostasis in arabidopsis (2016)
Journal Article
Porco, S., Pěnčík, A., Rashed, A., Voß, U., Casanova-Sáez, R., Bishopp, A., Golebiowska, A., Bhosale, R., Swarup, R., Swarup, K., Peňáková, P., Novak, O., Staswick, P., Hedden, P., Phillips, A. L., Vissenberg, C., Bennett, M. J., & Ljung, K. (2016). Dioxygenase-encoding AtDAO1 gene controls IAA oxidation and homeostasis in arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(39), 11016-11021.

Auxin represents a key signal in plants, regulating almost every aspect of their growth and development. Major breakthroughs have been made dissecting the molecular basis of auxin transport, perception, and response. In contrast, how plants control t... Read More about Dioxygenase-encoding AtDAO1 gene controls IAA oxidation and homeostasis in arabidopsis.

Lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis is dependent on transcription factor LBD29 regulation of auxin influx carrier LAX3 (2016)
Journal Article
Porco, S., Larrieu, A., Du, Y., Gaudinier, A., Goh, T., Swarup, K., Swarup, R., Kuempers, B., Bishopp, A., Lavenus, J., Casimiro, I., Hill, K., Benkova, E., Fukaki, H., Brady, S. M., Scheres, B., Peret, B., & Bennett, M. J. (2016). Lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis is dependent on transcription factor LBD29 regulation of auxin influx carrier LAX3. Development, 143(18), 3340-3349.

Lateral root primordia (LRP) originate from pericycle stem cells located deep within parental root tissues. LRP emerge through overlying root tissues by inducing auxin-dependent cell separation and hydraulic changes in adjacent cells. The auxin-induc... Read More about Lateral root emergence in Arabidopsis is dependent on transcription factor LBD29 regulation of auxin influx carrier LAX3.