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The direct-to-indirect band gap crossover in two-dimensional van der Waals Indium Selenide crystals (2016)
Journal Article
Mudd, G., Molas, M., Chen, X., Zólyomi, V., Nogajewski, K., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Yusa, G., Makarovsky, O., Eaves, L., Potemski, M., Fal'ko, V., & Patanè, A. (2016). The direct-to-indirect band gap crossover in two-dimensional van der Waals Indium Selenide crystals. Scientific Reports, 6(1), Article 39619.

The electronic band structure of van der Waals (vdW) layered crystals has properties that depend on the composition, thickness and stacking of the component layers. Here we use density functional theory and high field magneto-optics to investigate th... Read More about The direct-to-indirect band gap crossover in two-dimensional van der Waals Indium Selenide crystals.

Highly-mismatched InAs/InSe heterojunction diodes (2016)
Journal Article
Velichko, A., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Di Paola, D., Makarovsky, O., Kesaria, M., Krier, A., Sandall, I., Tan, C., Kovalyuk, Z. D., & Patanè, A. (in press). Highly-mismatched InAs/InSe heterojunction diodes. Applied Physics Letters, 109(18), Article 182115.

We report on heterojunction diodes prepared by exfoliation and direct mechanical transfer of a p-type InSe thin film onto an n-type InAs epilayer. We show that despite the different crystal structures and large lattice mismatch (34%) of the component... Read More about Highly-mismatched InAs/InSe heterojunction diodes.

Resonant Zener tunnelling via zero-dimensional states in a narrow gap diode (2016)
Journal Article
Di Poala, D. M., Kesaria, M., Makarovsky, O., Velichko, A., Eaves, L., Mori, N., Krier, A., & Patanè, A. (in press). Resonant Zener tunnelling via zero-dimensional states in a narrow gap diode. Scientific Reports, 6, Article e32039.

Interband tunnelling of carriers through a forbidden energy gap, known as Zener tunnelling, is a phenomenon of fundamental and technological interest. Its experimental observation in the Esaki p-n semiconductor diode has led to the first demonstratio... Read More about Resonant Zener tunnelling via zero-dimensional states in a narrow gap diode.

Quantum confinement and photoresponsivity of β-In2Se3 nanosheets grown by physical vapour transport (2016)
Journal Article
Balakrishnan, N., Staddon, C. R., Smith, E. F., Stec, J., Gay, D., Mudd, G. W., Makarovsky, O., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Eaves, L., Patanè, A., & Beton, P. H. (in press). Quantum confinement and photoresponsivity of β-In2Se3 nanosheets grown by physical vapour transport. 2D Materials, 3(2), 1-8.

We demonstrate that β-In2Se3 layers with thickness ranging from 2.8 – 100 nm can be grown on SiO2/Si, mica and graphite using a physical vapour transport method. The β-In2Se3 layers are chemically stable at room temperature and exhibit a blue-shift o... Read More about Quantum confinement and photoresponsivity of β-In2Se3 nanosheets grown by physical vapour transport.

Phonon-Assisted Resonant Tunneling of Electrons in Graphene–Boron Nitride Transistors (2016)
Journal Article
Vdovin, E. E., Mishchenko, A., Greenaway, M., Zhu, M., Ghazaryan, D., Misra, A., Cao, Y., Morozov, S., Makarovsky, O., Fromhold, T., Patanè, A., Slotman, G., Katsnelson, M. I., Geim, A., Nososelov, K., & Eaves, L. (2016). Phonon-Assisted Resonant Tunneling of Electrons in Graphene–Boron Nitride Transistors. Physical Review Letters, 116(18), Article 186603.

We observe a series of sharp resonant features in the differential conductance of graphene-hexagonal boron nitride-graphene tunnel transistors over a wide range of bias voltages between 10 and 200 mV. We attribute them to electron tunneling assisted... Read More about Phonon-Assisted Resonant Tunneling of Electrons in Graphene–Boron Nitride Transistors.