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Outputs (108)

Development of human electrophysiological brain networks (2018)
Journal Article
Briley, P. M., Liddle, E. B., Groom, M. J., Smith, H. J. F., Morris, P. G., Colclough, G. L., Brookes, M. J., & Liddle, P. F. (2018). Development of human electrophysiological brain networks. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120(6), 3122-3130.

Functional activity in the human brain is intrinsically organized into independently active, connected brain regions. These networks include sensorimotor systems, as well as higher-order cognitive networks such as the default mode network (DMN), whic... Read More about Development of human electrophysiological brain networks.

Robust Rydberg gate via Landau-Zener control of Förster resonance (2018)
Journal Article
Huang, X.-R., Ding, Z.-X., Hu, C.-S., Shen, L.-T., Li, W., Wu, H., & Zheng, S.-B. (2018). Robust Rydberg gate via Landau-Zener control of Förster resonance. Physical Review A, 98(5), Article 052324.

In this paper, we propose a scheme to implement the two-qubit controlled-Z gate via the Stark-tuned Förster interaction of Rydberg atoms, where the Förster defect is driven by a time-dependent electric field of a simple sinusoidal function while the... Read More about Robust Rydberg gate via Landau-Zener control of Förster resonance.

A direct test of density wave theory in a grand-design spiral galaxy (2018)
Journal Article
Peterken, T. G., Merrifield, M. R., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Drory, N., Krawczyk, C. M., Masters, K. L., Weijmans, A.-M., & Westfall, K. B. (2019). A direct test of density wave theory in a grand-design spiral galaxy. Nature Astronomy, 3(2), 178-182.

The exact nature of the arms of spiral galaxies is still an open question1. It has been widely assumed that spiral arms in galaxies with two distinct symmetrical arms are the products of density waves that propagate around the disk, with the spiral a... Read More about A direct test of density wave theory in a grand-design spiral galaxy.

Spin switching in antiferromagnets using Néel-order spin-orbit torques (2018)
Journal Article
Wadley, P., & Edmonds, K. (2018). Spin switching in antiferromagnets using Néel-order spin-orbit torques. Chinese Physics B, 27(10), Article 107201.

Antiferromagnets offer considerable potential for electronic device applications. This article reviews recent demonstrations of spin manipulation in antiferromagnetic devices using applied electrical currents. Due to spin-orbit coupling in environmen... Read More about Spin switching in antiferromagnets using Néel-order spin-orbit torques.

SDSS-IV MaNGA: pattern speeds of barred galaxies (2018)
Journal Article
Guo, R., Mao, S., Athanassoula, E., Li, H., Ge, J., Long, R., Merrifield, M., & Masters, K. (2019). SDSS-IV MaNGA: pattern speeds of barred galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482(2), 1733-1756.

The MaNGA project has obtained IFU data for several thousand nearby galaxies, including barred galaxies. With the two dimensional spectral and kinematic information provided by IFUs, we can measure the pattern speed of a barred galaxy, which determin... Read More about SDSS-IV MaNGA: pattern speeds of barred galaxies.

Enhancing correlation times for edge spins through dissipation (2018)
Journal Article
Vasiloiu, L. M., Carollo, F., & Garrahan, J. P. (2018). Enhancing correlation times for edge spins through dissipation. Physical Review B, 98(9), 1-6.

Spin chains with open boundaries, such as the transverse field Ising model, can display coherence times for edge spins that diverge with the system size as a consequence of almost conserved operators, the so-called strong zero modes. Here we discuss... Read More about Enhancing correlation times for edge spins through dissipation.

Investigation of optical and electrical properties of erbium-doped TiO2 thin films for photodetector applications (2018)
Journal Article
Mondal, S., Ghosh, A., Rizzo Piton, M., Gomes, J. P., Felix, J. F., Galvão Gobato, Y., Avanço Galeti, H., Choudhuri, B., Dhar Dwivedi, S., Henini, M., & Mondal, A. (2018). Investigation of optical and electrical properties of erbium-doped TiO2 thin films for photodetector applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29(22), 19588–19600.

We have investigated the electrical and optical properties of erbium (Er3+) doped TiO2 thin films (Er:TiO2 TFs) grown by sol–gel technique on glass and silicon substrates. The samples were characterized by field emission gun–scanning electron microsc... Read More about Investigation of optical and electrical properties of erbium-doped TiO2 thin films for photodetector applications.

Evaluation on La2O3 garlanded ceria heterostructured binary metal oxide nanoplates for UV/ visible light induced removal of organic dye from urban wastewater (2018)
Journal Article
Magdalane, C. M., Kaviyarasu, K., Matinise, N., Mayedwa, N., Mongwaketsi, N., Letsholathebe, D., Mola, G., Al-Dhabi, N. A., Valan Arasu, M., Henini, M., Kennedy, J., Maaza, M., & Jeyaraj, B. (2018). Evaluation on La2O3 garlanded ceria heterostructured binary metal oxide nanoplates for UV/ visible light induced removal of organic dye from urban wastewater. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26, 49-60.

A low energy bandgap between Ce3+ and Ce4+ states in cerium oxides, high oxygen mobility and high oxygen storage capacity are the properties that qualify them to be the most widely used heterogeneous catalysts. This present work is an account of stud... Read More about Evaluation on La2O3 garlanded ceria heterostructured binary metal oxide nanoplates for UV/ visible light induced removal of organic dye from urban wastewater.

Attenuated post-movement beta rebound associated with schizotypal features in healthy people (2018)
Journal Article
Hunt, B. A., Liddle, E. B., Gascoyne, L. E., Magazzini, L., Routley, B. C., Singh, K. D., Morris, P. G., Brookes, M. J., & Liddle, P. F. (2019). Attenuated post-movement beta rebound associated with schizotypal features in healthy people. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(4), 883-891.

© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. Introduction: Schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) lie on a single spectrum of mental illness and converging evidenc... Read More about Attenuated post-movement beta rebound associated with schizotypal features in healthy people.

Solvent evaporation driven entrapment of magnetic nanoparticles in mesoporous frame for designing a highly efficient MRI contrast probe (2018)
Journal Article
Saikia, K., Bhattacharya, K., Sen, D., Kaushik, S., Biswas, J., Lodha, S., Gogoi, B., Buragohain, A., Kockenberger, W., & Deb, P. (2019). Solvent evaporation driven entrapment of magnetic nanoparticles in mesoporous frame for designing a highly efficient MRI contrast probe. Applied Surface Science, 464, 567-576.

The present work reports a novel strategy of assembling maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) nanoparticles (NPs) in mesoporous silica host for developing a highly efficient MRI contrast probe. Shrinkage of hydrophobic environment due to the continuous evaporation of... Read More about Solvent evaporation driven entrapment of magnetic nanoparticles in mesoporous frame for designing a highly efficient MRI contrast probe.