Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects
Journal Article
Parker, H., Hoad, C. L., Tucker, E., Costigan, C., Marciani, L., Gowland, P., & Fox, M. (2018). Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(12), Article e13463.
Background: Current investigations of gastric emptying rarely identify the cause of symptoms or provide a definitive diagnosis in patients with dyspepsia. This study assessed gastric function by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using the modular "Not... Read More about Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects.