Best emollients for eczema (BEE) – comparing four types of emollients in children with eczema: protocol for randomised trial and nested qualitative study
Journal Article
Ridd, M. J., Wells, S., Edwards, L., Santer, M., MacNeill, S., Sanderson, E., Sutton, E., Shaw, A. R., Banks, J., Garfield, K., Roberts, A., Barrett, T. J., Baxter, H., Taylor, J., Lane, J. A., Hay, A. D., Williams, H. C., & Thomas, K. S. (2019). Best emollients for eczema (BEE) – comparing four types of emollients in children with eczema: protocol for randomised trial and nested qualitative study. BMJ Open, 9(11), Article e033387.
Introduction Atopic dermatitis/eczema affects around 20% of children and is characterised by inflamed, dry, itchy skin. Guidelines recommend ‘leave-on’ emollients that are applied directly to the skin to add or trap moisture and used regularly, they... Read More about Best emollients for eczema (BEE) – comparing four types of emollients in children with eczema: protocol for randomised trial and nested qualitative study.