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Outputs (18)

Effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion to improve child home safety practices: a controlled before-and-after study (2023)
Journal Article
Taylor, M. J., Orton, E., Patel, T., Timblin, C., Clarke, R., Watson, M. C., Hayes, M., Jones, M., Coupland, C., & Kendrick, D. (2023). Effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion to improve child home safety practices: a controlled before-and-after study. Injury Prevention, 29(3), 227-233.

Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion for improving child home safety practices. Design: Controlled before-and-after study. Setting: Nine electoral wards in Nottingham, UK. Participants... Read More about Effectiveness of systematically delivered evidence-based home safety promotion to improve child home safety practices: a controlled before-and-after study.

Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5 (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Hill, T., Coupland, C., Kendrick, D., Akbari, A., Rodgers, S., Watson, M. C., Tyrrell, E., Merrill, S., Martin, A., & Orton, E. (2022). Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5. Injury Prevention,

Background: Injuries in children aged under 5 years most commonly occur in the home and disproportionately affect those living in the most disadvantaged communities. The 'Safe at Home' (SAH) national home safety equipment scheme, which ran in England... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of England's national 'Safe At Home' scheme for reducing hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children aged under 5.

Investigating the cost-effectiveness of three cessation interventions on a national scale using the Economics of Smoking in Pregnancy (ESIP) decision analytical model (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Smith, M., Lewis, S., Parrott, S., & Coleman, T. (2022). Investigating the cost-effectiveness of three cessation interventions on a national scale using the Economics of Smoking in Pregnancy (ESIP) decision analytical model. Addiction,

Aim: To measure the cost-effectiveness of adding text message (TMB), exercise (EB) and abstinent-contingent financial incentive-based (CFIB) stop smoking interventions to standard smoking cessation support for pregnant women in England. Design: Model... Read More about Investigating the cost-effectiveness of three cessation interventions on a national scale using the Economics of Smoking in Pregnancy (ESIP) decision analytical model.

ASSERT (Acute Sacral inSufficiEncy fractuRe augmenTation): randomised controlled, feasibility trial in older people (2022)
Journal Article
Ong, T., Suazo Di Paola, A., Brookes, C., Drummond, A., Hendrick, P., Leighton, P., Jones, M., Salem, K., Quraishi, N., & Sahota, O. (2022). ASSERT (Acute Sacral inSufficiEncy fractuRe augmenTation): randomised controlled, feasibility trial in older people. BMJ Open, 12(5), Article e050535.

Objective To determine the feasibility of designing and conducting a definitive trial to evaluate the effectiveness of sacral fracture fixation compared with non-surgical management among older people admitted with a lateral compression pelvic fragil... Read More about ASSERT (Acute Sacral inSufficiEncy fractuRe augmenTation): randomised controlled, feasibility trial in older people.

Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Algorithms for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in Primary Care (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Akyea, R. K., Payne, K., Humphries, S. E., Abdul-Hamid, H., Weng, S., & Qureshi, N. (2022). Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Algorithms for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in Primary Care. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12(3), Article 330.

Although familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) screening within primary care is considered cost-effective, which screening approach is cost-effective has not been established. This study determines the cost-effectiveness of six case-finding strategies f... Read More about Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Algorithms for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in Primary Care.

Effectiveness of offering tailored text message, self‐help smoking cessation support to pregnant women who want information on stopping smoking: MiQuit3 randomised controlled trial (RCT) and meta‐analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Coleman, T., Clark, M., Welch, C., Whitemore, R., Leonardi‐Bee, J., Cooper, S., Hewitt, C., Jones, M., Sutton, S., Watson, J., Daykin, K., Ussher, M., Parrott, S., & Naughton, F. (2022). Effectiveness of offering tailored text message, self‐help smoking cessation support to pregnant women who want information on stopping smoking: MiQuit3 randomised controlled trial (RCT) and meta‐analysis. Addiction, 117(4), 1079-1094.

Aims: To test efficacy of “MiQuit’, a tailored, self-help, text message stop smoking programme for pregnancy, as an adjunct to usual care (UC) for smoking cessation in pregnancy.

Design: Multicentre, open, two-arm, parallel-group, superiority rand... Read More about Effectiveness of offering tailored text message, self‐help smoking cessation support to pregnant women who want information on stopping smoking: MiQuit3 randomised controlled trial (RCT) and meta‐analysis.

Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme ‘Safe At Home’ on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: controlled interrupted time series analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Hill, T., Coupland, C., Kendrick, D., Jones, M., Akbari, A., Rodgers, S., Watson, M. C., Tyrrell, E., Merrill, S., & Orton, E. (2022). Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme ‘Safe At Home’ on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: controlled interrupted time series analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76(1), 53-59.

Background: Unintentional home injuries are a leading cause of preventable death in young children. Safety education and equipment provision improve home safety practices, but their impact on injuries is less clear. Between 2009 and 2011 a national h... Read More about Impact of the national home safety equipment scheme ‘Safe At Home’ on hospital admissions for unintentional injury in children under 5: controlled interrupted time series analysis.

A randomised feasibility study assessing an intervention to keep adults physically active after falls management exercise programmes end (2020)
Journal Article
Audsley, S., Kendrick, D., Logan, P., Jones, M., & Orton, E. (2020). A randomised feasibility study assessing an intervention to keep adults physically active after falls management exercise programmes end. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6, Article 37.

Background: Physical inactivity contributes to disability and falls in older adults. Falls prevention exercise (FaME) programmes improve physical activity, physical function and reduce falling rates. Improvements in physical function reduce, and fall... Read More about A randomised feasibility study assessing an intervention to keep adults physically active after falls management exercise programmes end.

Uptake of Tailored Text Message Smoking Cessation Support in Pregnancy When Advertised on the Internet (MiQuit): Observational Study (2018)
Journal Article
Emery, J., Coleman, T., Sutton, S., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Jones, M. D., & Naughton, F. (2018). Uptake of Tailored Text Message Smoking Cessation Support in Pregnancy When Advertised on the Internet (MiQuit): Observational Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(4), Article e146.

Background: Smoking in pregnancy is a major public health concern. Pregnant smokers are particularly difficult to reach, with low uptake of support options and few effective interventions. Text message–based self-help is a promising, low-cost interve... Read More about Uptake of Tailored Text Message Smoking Cessation Support in Pregnancy When Advertised on the Internet (MiQuit): Observational Study.

Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the safety of Buproprion and Varenicline in pregnancy (2018)
Journal Article
Turner, E., Coleman, T., Jones, M., & Vaz, L. (2018). Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the safety of Buproprion and Varenicline in pregnancy. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 21(8), 1001–1010.

Introduction: Smoking in pregnancy is a substantial public health issue, but, apart from nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), pharmacological therapies are not generally used to promote cessation. Bupropion and varenicline are effective cessation meth... Read More about Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the safety of Buproprion and Varenicline in pregnancy.