Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection on the outcome of primary central nervous system lymphoma treatment: A study of the International PCNSL Collaborative Group
Journal Article
Steffanoni, S., Calimeri, T., Laurenge, A., Fox, C. P., Soussain, C., Grommes, C., Tisi, M. C., Boot, J., Crosbie, N., Visco, C., Arcaini, L., Chaganti, S., Sassone, M. C., Alencar, A., Armiento, D., Romano, I., Dietrich, J., Itchaki, G., Bruna, R., Fracchiolla, N. S., …Ferreri, A. J. M. (2022). Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection on the outcome of primary central nervous system lymphoma treatment: A study of the International PCNSL Collaborative Group. British Journal of Haematology, 199(4), 507-519.
To optimise management of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection identifying high-risk patients and maintaining treatment dose intensity is an important issue in patients with aggressive lymphomas. In the present study... Read More about Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection on the outcome of primary central nervous system lymphoma treatment: A study of the International PCNSL Collaborative Group.