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Outputs (107)

Lung cancer diagnosed following an emergency admission: exploring patient and carer perspectives on delay in seeking help (2017)
Journal Article
Caswell, G., Seymour, J., Crosby, V., Hussain, A., Manderson, C., Farnan, S., Freer, S., Freemantle, A., Littlewood, F., & Wilcock, A. (2017). Lung cancer diagnosed following an emergency admission: exploring patient and carer perspectives on delay in seeking help. Supportive Care in Cancer, 25(7), 2259-2266.


Compared to others, patients diagnosed with lung cancer following an emergency, unplanned admission to hospital (DFEA) have more advanced disease and poorer prognosis. Little is known about DFEA patients’ beliefs about cancer and its sympt... Read More about Lung cancer diagnosed following an emergency admission: exploring patient and carer perspectives on delay in seeking help.

Institutional and emotion work in forensic psychiatry: detachment and desensitisation (2017)
Book Chapter
Hui, A. M. (2017). Institutional and emotion work in forensic psychiatry: detachment and desensitisation. In H. Middleton, & M. Jordan (Eds.), Mental health uncertainty and inevitability: rejuvenating the relationship between social science and psychiatry. Palgrave Macmillan

Mental health professionals are frequently tasked with balancing care, safety and security. They are obliged to meet professional, organisational and institutional standards. Yet, these roles, expectations and practices are often in contention, whils... Read More about Institutional and emotion work in forensic psychiatry: detachment and desensitisation.

Exploring factors influencing low back pain in people with non-dysvascular lower limb amputation: a national survey (2017)
Journal Article
Devan, H., Hendrick, P., Hale, L., Carman, A., Dillon, M., & Riberio, D. (in press). Exploring factors influencing low back pain in people with non-dysvascular lower limb amputation: a national survey. PM&R, 9(10),

Background: Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a common musculoskeletal impairment in people with lower limb amputation. Given the multifactorial nature of LBP, exploring the factors influencing the presence and intensity of LBP is warranted.
Objective:... Read More about Exploring factors influencing low back pain in people with non-dysvascular lower limb amputation: a national survey.

Follow-up after curative treatment for colorectal cancer: longitudinal evaluation of patient initiated follow-up in the first 12 months (2017)
Journal Article
Batehup, L., Porter, K., Gage, H., Williams, P., Simmonds, P., Lowson, E., Dodson, L., Davies, N. J., Wagland, R., Winter, J., Richardson, A., Turner, A., & Corner, J. (2017). Follow-up after curative treatment for colorectal cancer: longitudinal evaluation of patient initiated follow-up in the first 12 months. Supportive Care in Cancer, 25(7), 2063-2073.

Purpose: To compare patient-triggered follow-up (PTFU) for curatively treated colorectal cancer against traditional outpatient follow-up (OPFU).
Methods: Questionnaires were mailed at four time points over one-year post-treatment to two prospectivel... Read More about Follow-up after curative treatment for colorectal cancer: longitudinal evaluation of patient initiated follow-up in the first 12 months.

The relationship between team climate and interprofessional collaboration: preliminary results of a mixed methods study (2017)
Journal Article
Agreli, H. F., Peduzzi, M., & Bailey, C. (2017). The relationship between team climate and interprofessional collaboration: preliminary results of a mixed methods study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(2), 184-186.

Relational and organisational factors are key elements of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) and team climate. Few studies have explored the relationship between IPC and team climate. This article presents a study that 10 aimed to explore IPC in p... Read More about The relationship between team climate and interprofessional collaboration: preliminary results of a mixed methods study.

'I couldn't even talk to the patient': barriers to communicating with cancer patients as perceived by nursing students (2017)
Journal Article
Lin, M.-F., Hsu, W.-S., Hung, M.-C., Su, Y.-H., Crawford, P., & Tang, C.-C. (2017). 'I couldn't even talk to the patient': barriers to communicating with cancer patients as perceived by nursing students. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26(4), Article e12648.

Communication is closely related to safe practice and patient outcomes. Given that most clinicians fall into routines when communicating with patients, it is important to address communication issues early. This study explores Taiwanese nursing stude... Read More about 'I couldn't even talk to the patient': barriers to communicating with cancer patients as perceived by nursing students.

Recovery and creative practices in people with severe mental illness: evaluating well-being and social inclusion (2017)
Journal Article
Saavedra, J., Perez, E., Crawford, P., & Arias, S. (2018). Recovery and creative practices in people with severe mental illness: evaluating well-being and social inclusion. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(8), 905-911.

Purpose: This mixed (quantitative-qualitative) study evaluates the impact of an artistic workshop on a group of people with severe mental illness. This study focuses on the impact of creative practices on well-being and social inclusion outcomes.
Me... Read More about Recovery and creative practices in people with severe mental illness: evaluating well-being and social inclusion.

Immigrant women’s food choices in pregnancy: perspectives from women of Chinese origin in Canada (2017)
Journal Article
Higginbottom, G., Vallianatos, H., Shankar, J., Safipour, J., & Davey, C. (in press). Immigrant women’s food choices in pregnancy: perspectives from women of Chinese origin in Canada. Ethnicity and Health,

Objective: Following migration, pregnant immigrant women may encounter social, cultural, and economic challenges that negatively affect their food choices and subsequent health outcomes. Culturally appropriate health care is crucial during the perina... Read More about Immigrant women’s food choices in pregnancy: perspectives from women of Chinese origin in Canada.

Development, validity and reliability testing of the East Midlands Evaluation Tool (EMET) for measuring impacts on trainees’ confidence and competence following end of life care training (2017)
Journal Article
Whittaker, B., Parry, R., Bird, L., Watson, S., & Faull, C. (in press). Development, validity and reliability testing of the East Midlands Evaluation Tool (EMET) for measuring impacts on trainees’ confidence and competence following end of life care training. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care,

Objectives: To develop, test and validate a versatile questionnaire, the East Midlands Evaluation Tool (EMET), for measuring effects of end of life care training events on trainees’ self-reported confidence and competence.

Methods: A paper-based q... Read More about Development, validity and reliability testing of the East Midlands Evaluation Tool (EMET) for measuring impacts on trainees’ confidence and competence following end of life care training.

Understanding the epidemiology of avoidable significant harm in primary care: protocol for a retrospective cross-sectional study (2017)
Journal Article
Bell, B., Campbell, S., Carson-Stevens, A., Prosser Evans, H., Cooper, A., Brindley, C., Rodgers, S., Johnson, C., Edwards, A., Armstrong, S., Mehta, R., Chuter, A., Donnelly, A., Ashcroft, D. M., Lymn, J., Smith, P., Sheikh, A., Boyd, M., & Avery, A. (2017). Understanding the epidemiology of avoidable significant harm in primary care: protocol for a retrospective cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 7(2), Article e013786.

Introduction: Most patient safety research has focused on specialist-care settings where there is an appreciation of the frequency and causes of medical errors, and the resulting burden of adverse events. There have, however, been few large-scale rob... Read More about Understanding the epidemiology of avoidable significant harm in primary care: protocol for a retrospective cross-sectional study.