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Outputs (17)

A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain neuroscience education for chronic low back pain: Short-and long-term outcomes of pain and disability (2018)
Journal Article
Wood, L., & Hendrick, P. A. (2019). A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain neuroscience education for chronic low back pain: Short-and long-term outcomes of pain and disability. European Journal of Pain, 23(2), 234-249.

Background and Objective

Pain neuroscience education (PNE) has shown promising ability in previous reviews to improve pain and disability in chronic low back pain (CLBP). This review aimed to evaluate randomized controlled trials comparing the eff... Read More about A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain neuroscience education for chronic low back pain: Short-and long-term outcomes of pain and disability.

Musculoskeletal pain and exercise—challenging existing paradigms and introducing new (2018)
Journal Article
Smith, B. E., Hendrick, P., Bateman, M., Holden, S., Littlewood, C., Smith, T. O., & Logan, P. (2018). Musculoskeletal pain and exercise—challenging existing paradigms and introducing new. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(14), 907-912.

Traditional pain models that describe tissue pathology as a source of nocioceptive input directly linked with pain expression, have been insufficient for assessing and treating musculoskeletal pain. The need for pain to be avoided or alleviated as m... Read More about Musculoskeletal pain and exercise—challenging existing paradigms and introducing new.

The experience of living with patellofemoral pain—loss, confusion and fear-avoidance: a UK qualitative study (2018)
Journal Article
Smith, B. E., Moffatt, F., Hendrick, P., Bateman, M., Rathleff, M. S., Selfe, J., Smith, T. O., & Logan, P. (2018). The experience of living with patellofemoral pain—loss, confusion and fear-avoidance: a UK qualitative study. BMJ Open, 8(1), Article e018624.

To investigate the experience of living with patellofemoral pain.

Qualitative study design using semi-structured interviews, and analysed thematically using the guidelines set out by Braun and Clarke.

A National... Read More about The experience of living with patellofemoral pain—loss, confusion and fear-avoidance: a UK qualitative study.

Incidence and prevalence of patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Smith, B. E., Selfe, J., Thacker, D., Hendrick, P., Bateman, M., Moffatt, F., Rathleff, M. S., Smith, T. O., & Logan, P. (2018). Incidence and prevalence of patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 13(1), Article e0190892.

Background: Patellofemoral pain is considered one of the most common forms of knee pain, affecting adults, adolescents, and physically active populations. Inconsistencies in reported incidence and prevalence exist and in relation to the allocation of... Read More about Incidence and prevalence of patellofemoral pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

A systematic review of outcome measures utilised to assess self-management in clinical trials in patients with chronic pain (2017)
Journal Article
Banerjee, A., Hendrick, P., Bhattacharjee, P., & Blake, H. (2018). A systematic review of outcome measures utilised to assess self-management in clinical trials in patients with chronic pain. Patient Education and Counseling, 101(5),

The aim of this review was to identify, appraise and synthesise the outcome measures used to assess self-management in patients with chronic pain.

Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Library and Google Scholar were... Read More about A systematic review of outcome measures utilised to assess self-management in clinical trials in patients with chronic pain.

Study protocol: a mixed methods feasibility study for a loaded self-managed exercise programme for patellofemoral pain (2017)
Journal Article
Smith, B. E., Hendrick, P., Bateman, M., Moffatt, F., Rathleff, M. S., Selfe, J., Smith, T. O., & Logan, P. (2017). Study protocol: a mixed methods feasibility study for a loaded self-managed exercise programme for patellofemoral pain. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4(24),

Background: Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is one of the most common forms of knee pain in adults under the age of 40, with a prevalence of 23% in the general population. The long-term prognosis is poor, with only one third of people pain-free 1 year afte... Read More about Study protocol: a mixed methods feasibility study for a loaded self-managed exercise programme for patellofemoral pain.

Should exercises be painful in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain?: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Smith, B. E., Hendrick, P., Smith, T. O., Bateman, M., Moffatt, F., Rathleff, M. S., Selfe, J., & Logan, P. (2017). Should exercises be painful in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain?: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(23),

Background: Chronic musculoskeletal disorders are a prevalent and costly global health issue. A new form of exercise therapy focused on loading and resistance programmes that temporarily aggravates a patient’s pain has been proposed. The object of th... Read More about Should exercises be painful in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain?: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Smartphone apps for the self-management of low back pain: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Machado, G. C., Pinheiro, M. B., Lee, H., Ahmed, O. H., Hendrick, P., Williams, C., & Kamper, S. J. (in press). Smartphone apps for the self-management of low back pain: a systematic review. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Rheumatology,

Guidelines for low back pain (LBP) often recommend the use of self-management such as unsupervised exercise, booklets, and online education. Another potentially useful way for patients to self-manage LBP is by using smartphone applications (apps). Ho... Read More about Smartphone apps for the self-management of low back pain: a systematic review.

Exploring factors influencing low back pain in people with non-dysvascular lower limb amputation: a national survey (2017)
Journal Article
Devan, H., Hendrick, P., Hale, L., Carman, A., Dillon, M., & Riberio, D. (in press). Exploring factors influencing low back pain in people with non-dysvascular lower limb amputation: a national survey. PM&R, 9(10),

Background: Chronic low back pain (LBP) is a common musculoskeletal impairment in people with lower limb amputation. Given the multifactorial nature of LBP, exploring the factors influencing the presence and intensity of LBP is warranted.
Objective:... Read More about Exploring factors influencing low back pain in people with non-dysvascular lower limb amputation: a national survey.

Physiotherapy as a first point of contact in general practice: A solution to a growing problem? (2016)
Journal Article
Goodwin, R. W., & Hendrick, P. (2016). Physiotherapy as a first point of contact in general practice: A solution to a growing problem?. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 6(1),

Aim: To evaluate the clinical effectiveness, patient satisfaction and economic efficacy of a Physiotherapy Service providing musculoskeletal care, as an alternative to GP care.
Background: There is a growing demand on general practice resources. A n... Read More about Physiotherapy as a first point of contact in general practice: A solution to a growing problem?.