Economic Evaluation of a General Hospital Unit for Older People with Delirium and Dementia (TEAM Randomised Controlled Trial)
Journal Article
Bradshaw, L. E., Tanajewski, L., Franklin, M., Gkountouras, G., Berdunov, V., Harwood, R. H., Goldberg, S. E., Bradshaw, L., Gladman, J. R. F., & Elliott, R. A. (2015). Economic Evaluation of a General Hospital Unit for Older People with Delirium and Dementia (TEAM Randomised Controlled Trial). PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0140662.
One in three hospital acute medical admissions is of an older person with cognitive impairment. Their outcomes are poor and the quality of their care in hospital has been criticised. A specialist unit to care for older people with delir...
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