Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management in pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness
Journal Article
Downe, S., Finlayson, K., Melvin, C., Spiby, H., Ali, A., Diggle, P., Gyte, G., Hinder, S., Miller, V., Slade, P., Trepel, D., Weeks, A., & Whorwell, P. (in press). Self-hypnosis for intrapartum pain management in pregnant nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial of clinical effectiveness. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 122(9),
Objective: (Primary) To establish the effect of antenatal group self-hypnosis for nulliparous women on intra-partum epidural use.
Design: Multi-method randomised control trial (RCT).
Setting: Three NHS Trusts.
Population: Nulliparous women n...
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