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Outputs (71)

Impact of maternal height on birthweight classification in singleton births at term: a cohort study in The Netherlands (2020)
Journal Article
Zeegers, B., Offerhaus, P., Peters, L., Budé, L., Verhoeven, C., & Nieuwenhuijze, M. (2022). Impact of maternal height on birthweight classification in singleton births at term: a cohort study in The Netherlands. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 35(16), 3167-3174.

To assess the association between maternal height and birthweight in a healthy population and to study the effect of maternal height on the classification of birthweight as small for gestational age (SGA) and large for gestational age (LGA... Read More about Impact of maternal height on birthweight classification in singleton births at term: a cohort study in The Netherlands.

Mediating role of C-reactive protein in associations between pre-pregnancy BMI and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes: the ABCD-study cohort (2020)
Journal Article
Witteveen, A. B., Henrichs, J., Bellers, M., van Oenen, E., Verhoeven, C. J., & Vrijkotte, T. G. (2022). Mediating role of C-reactive protein in associations between pre-pregnancy BMI and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes: the ABCD-study cohort. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 35(15), 2867-2875.

Objectives: Increased body mass index (BMI) is associated with several adverse pregnancy outcomes, though the underlying mechanism of this association has not been fully elucidated. A mediating role of low-grade systemic inflammation in these associa... Read More about Mediating role of C-reactive protein in associations between pre-pregnancy BMI and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes: the ABCD-study cohort.

How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Healy, M., Nyman, V., Spence, D., Otten, R. H., & Verhoeven, C. J. (2020). How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 15(7), Article e0226502.

Both nationally and internationally, midwives’ practices during the second stage of labour vary. A midwife’s practice can be influenced by education and cultural practices but ultimately it should be informed by up-to-date scientific evidence. We con... Read More about How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A systematic review.

Left powerless: A qualitative social media content analysis of the Dutch #breakthesilence campaign on negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth (2020)
Journal Article
van der Pijl, M. S., Hollander, M. H., van der Linden, T., Verweij, R., Holten, L., Kingma, E., de Jonge, A., & Verhoeven, C. J. (2020). Left powerless: A qualitative social media content analysis of the Dutch #breakthesilence campaign on negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth. PLoS ONE, 15(5), Article e0233114.

Introduction Disrespect and abuse during labour and birth are increasingly reported all over the world. In 2016, a Dutch client organization initiated an online campaign, #genoeggezwegen (#breakthesilence) which encouraged women to share negative and... Read More about Left powerless: A qualitative social media content analysis of the Dutch #breakthesilence campaign on negative and traumatic experiences of labour and birth.

Regional variations in childbirth interventions and their correlations with adverse outcomes, birthplace and care provider: A nationwide explorative study (2020)
Journal Article
Seijmonsbergen-Schermers, A. E., Zondag, D. C., Nieuwenhuijze, M., van den Akker, T., Verhoeven, C. J., Geerts, C. C., Schellevis, F. G., & de Jonge, A. (2020). Regional variations in childbirth interventions and their correlations with adverse outcomes, birthplace and care provider: A nationwide explorative study. PLoS ONE, 15(3), Article e0229488.

Background: Variations in childbirth interventions may indicate inappropriate use. Most variation studies are limited by the lack of adjustments for maternal characteristics and do not investigate variations in adverse outcomes. This study aims to ex... Read More about Regional variations in childbirth interventions and their correlations with adverse outcomes, birthplace and care provider: A nationwide explorative study.

Are midwives in the Netherlands satisfied with their jobs? A systematic examination of satisfaction levels among hospital and primary-care midwives in the Netherlands (2019)
Journal Article
Cronie, D., Perdok, H., Verhoeven, C., Jans, S., Hermus, M., de Vries, R., & Rijnders, M. (2019). Are midwives in the Netherlands satisfied with their jobs? A systematic examination of satisfaction levels among hospital and primary-care midwives in the Netherlands. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), Article 832.

How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A protocol for a systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Verhoeven, C. J., Spence, D., Nyman, V., Otten, R. H. J., & Healy, M. (2019). How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 8, Article 1.

Midwives’ practices during the second stage of labour vary nationally and internationally. We aim to retrieve evidence that supports high-quality intrapartum care by conducting a systematic review of the literature.

Electronic... Read More about How do midwives facilitate women to give birth during physiological second stage of labour? A protocol for a systematic review.

Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice application of remifentanil during labor: An overview of its application in Dutch hospitals] (2018)
Journal Article
Logtenberg, S. L., Leonoor Vink, M., Godfried, M., Beenakkers, I. C., Freeman, L. M., Schellevis, F. G., Willem Mol, B., & Verhoeven, C. J. (2018). Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice application of remifentanil during labor: An overview of its application in Dutch hospitals]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 2018(162), Article D2816

Onderzoeken (a) frequentie van het gebruik van patiëntgecontroleerde toediening van remifentanil (remifentanil-PCA) durante partu in Nederland; (b) wat motieven zijn om remifentanil-PCA al dan niet aan te bieden; (c) voor welke vrouwen remifent... Read More about Praktijkvariatie in het gebruik van remifentanil tijdens de partus: Een beeld van de toepassing in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen = [Practice application of remifentanil during labor: An overview of its application in Dutch hospitals].

How good is collaboration between maternity service providers in the Netherlands? (2018)
Journal Article
Cronie, D., Rijnders, M., Jans, S., Verhoeven, C. J., & de Vries, R. (2018). How good is collaboration between maternity service providers in the Netherlands?. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 12, 21-30.

Aims: To examine the experiences of inter-professional collaboration of maternity service providers in the Netherlands and to identify potential enhancing and inhibiting factors for inter-professional collaboration within maternity care in the Nether... Read More about How good is collaboration between maternity service providers in the Netherlands?.