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Outputs (415)

Typology of content warnings and trigger warnings: Systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Charles, A., Hare-Duke, L., Nudds, H., Franklin, D., Llewellyn-Beardsley, J., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Gust, O., Ng, F., Evans, E., Knox, E., Townsend, E., Yeo, C., & Slade, M. (2022). Typology of content warnings and trigger warnings: Systematic review. PLoS ONE, 17(5), Article e0266722.

Content and trigger warnings give information about the content of material prior to receiving it. Different typologies of content warnings have emerged across multiple sectors, including health, social media, education and entertainment. Benefits ar... Read More about Typology of content warnings and trigger warnings: Systematic review.

“To Cleanse the Countryside We Must First Cleanse Hearts’: The Culture of Rural Pacification in Japanese-occupied China (2022)
Journal Article
Taylor, J. E. (2022). “To Cleanse the Countryside We Must First Cleanse Hearts’: The Culture of Rural Pacification in Japanese-occupied China. Cultural and Social History, 19(3), 265-282.

Contributing to a growing literature on the transnational history of ‘collaborationism’ under wartime occupation, this paper examines ‘Rural Pacification’–the counterinsurgency campaigns that were prosecuted from 1941 to 1943 in Japanese-occupied Chi... Read More about “To Cleanse the Countryside We Must First Cleanse Hearts’: The Culture of Rural Pacification in Japanese-occupied China.

Archiving Faith: Record-Keeping and Catholic Community Formation in Eighteenth-Century Mesopotamia (2022)
Journal Article
Parker, L., & Maxton, R. (2022). Archiving Faith: Record-Keeping and Catholic Community Formation in Eighteenth-Century Mesopotamia. Past and Present, 257(1), 89-133.

This article investigates the archiving practices of a little-known group of Catholics in the Ottoman Empire, the Diyarbakır Chaldeans, in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It argues for a flexible definition of archives, based not on tr... Read More about Archiving Faith: Record-Keeping and Catholic Community Formation in Eighteenth-Century Mesopotamia.

Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia (2022)
Baillargeon, D., & Taylor, J. (2022). J. E. Taylor, D. Baillargeon, & J. Taylor (Eds.). Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia. Bloomsbury Publishing.

This open access book explores how different spatial geographies emerged, adapted or were transformed in various occupied and colonial settings around Asia, showing how the experiences of those living under occupation shaped and was shaped by new int... Read More about Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia.

Could Nightingale get cancelled? The rise, endurance, and possible fall of Florence Nightingale in British historical culture since 1854 (2022)
Journal Article
Bates, R., & Greenwood, A. (2022). Could Nightingale get cancelled? The rise, endurance, and possible fall of Florence Nightingale in British historical culture since 1854. Women's History Review, 31(7), 1080-1106.

Since she exploded into the public sphere in 1854 with her mission to the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) has been a revered historical heroine, with a presence in British commemorative culture that exceeds that of any other non-royal w... Read More about Could Nightingale get cancelled? The rise, endurance, and possible fall of Florence Nightingale in British historical culture since 1854.

Wool smuggling from England's eastern seaboard, c. 1337–45: An illicit economy in the late middle ages (2022)
Journal Article
Raven, M. (2022). Wool smuggling from England's eastern seaboard, c. 1337–45: An illicit economy in the late middle ages. Economic History Review, 75(4), 1182-1213.

The medieval English wool trade was a commercial activity of huge economic importance. The historiography of the medieval wool trade, however, has focused overwhelmingly on its legitimate side. This article uses the evidence of legal proceedings pros... Read More about Wool smuggling from England's eastern seaboard, c. 1337–45: An illicit economy in the late middle ages.

Sonic Histories of Occupation: Experiencing Sound and Empire in a Global Context (2022)
Skelchy, R. P., & Taylor, J. E. (Eds.). (2022). Sonic Histories of Occupation: Experiencing Sound and Empire in a Global Context. Bloomsbury Publishing.

This open access book examines how auditory environments in different contexts have contributed to understanding foreign occupation and colonialism, and how they have given rise to historical music cultures. How are sound and music implicated in the... Read More about Sonic Histories of Occupation: Experiencing Sound and Empire in a Global Context.

The Life of Contract Capitalism and the Building of the Colonial Railway (2022)
Book Chapter
Kumar, A. (2022). The Life of Contract Capitalism and the Building of the Colonial Railway. In G. Cederlöf (Ed.), The Imperial Underbelly: Workers, Contractors, and Entrepreneurs in Colonial India and Scandinavia (26-55). Routledge.

Capitalism thrives on contracts. From recruiting workers and employees to transacting everyday business and selling commodities, the contract ideology is the absolute necessity for capitalism to function. Contracts are to ensure a regime of secure, l... Read More about The Life of Contract Capitalism and the Building of the Colonial Railway.