The e-learning tool Voxopop and its benefits on oral skills: activities for final year students of German
Book Chapter
Stollhans, S. (2015). The e-learning tool Voxopop and its benefits on oral skills: activities for final year students of German. In K. Borthwick, E. Corradini, & A. Dickens (Eds.), 10 years of the LLAS elearning symposium: case studies in good practice / edited by Kate Borthwick, Erika Corradini, Alison Dickens.
This case study demonstrates how Voxopop, a voice based e-learning tool, can be used to practise oal skills in the target language by presenting activities which have been developed for students of German at the University of Nottingham. The focus li... Read More about The e-learning tool Voxopop and its benefits on oral skills: activities for final year students of German.