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Outputs (24)

Literary Correspondences: Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Mme de Genlis (2015)
Journal Article
Ford, R. L. (2015). Literary Correspondences: Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Mme de Genlis. Nottingham French Studies, 54(2), 181-193.

Although Bernardin’s correspondence spans most of his adult life and involves a wide range of correspondents and subject matter, there is a marked increase in the number of correspondents and frequency of correspondence from the time he begins to enj... Read More about Literary Correspondences: Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Mme de Genlis.

Federico García Lorca y el cine (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, S. G. (2015). Federico García Lorca y el cine. Europe -Paris- Revue Litteraire Mensuelle-, 93(1032), 170-185

This article analyses Federico García Lorca's relationship with cinema, taking into account not only his screenplays but also his incorporation into his drama and poetic works of techniques borrowed from cinema.

"Ich bin dann mal Deutsch lernen!": der Absentiv im DaF-Unterricht (2015)
Journal Article
Stollhans, S. (2015). "Ich bin dann mal Deutsch lernen!": der Absentiv im DaF-Unterricht. German as a Foreign Language, 2015(1),

Der Absentiv ist eine grammatische Struktur bestehend aus finitem sein und Infinitiv eines Handlungsverbs, die impliziert, dass der Subjektreferent zum Zeitpunkt der Äußerung von einem gewissen Ausgangsort abwesend ist bzw. für eine Interaktion nicht... Read More about "Ich bin dann mal Deutsch lernen!": der Absentiv im DaF-Unterricht.

Introduction: The Arkhitekton (2015)
Book Chapter
García, P. (2015). Introduction: The Arkhitekton. In Space and the postmodern fantastic in contemporary literature: the architectural void. Routledge

Arising from the philosophical conviction that our sense of space plays a direct role in our apprehension and construction of reality (both factual and fictional), this book investigates how conceptions of postmodern space have transformed the histor... Read More about Introduction: The Arkhitekton.

Fanon's Les Damnés de la terre : translation, de-philosophization and the intensification of violence (2015)
Journal Article
Batchelor, K. (2015). Fanon's Les Damnés de la terre : translation, de-philosophization and the intensification of violence. Nottingham French Studies, 54(1),

The influence of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Critique de la raison dialectique on Frantz Fanon’s Les Damnés de la terre can be seen in Fanon’s direct engagement with Sartre’s text as well as in the vocabulary that he adopts when discussing key ideas, particul... Read More about Fanon's Les Damnés de la terre : translation, de-philosophization and the intensification of violence.

J.M.G. Le Clézio et Édouard Glissant: pour une poétique de la trace (2015)
Journal Article
Ridon, J.-X. (2015). J.M.G. Le Clézio et Édouard Glissant: pour une poétique de la trace. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 19(2),

En utilisant les textes que J.M.G Le Clézio et Edouard Glissant ont écrits pour la collection Peuples de l’eau aux éditions du Seuil, cet article analyse la façon dont les deux auteurs repensent la notion d’interculturalité à partir du concept de tra... Read More about J.M.G. Le Clézio et Édouard Glissant: pour une poétique de la trace.

Continuity and rupture: Levinas's temporal ethics and Gideon Koppel'ssleep furiously (2015)
Journal Article
Harries, R. (2015). Continuity and rupture: Levinas's temporal ethics and Gideon Koppel'ssleep furiously. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 13(2), 189-210.

This paper considers the work of Emmanuel Levinas alongside Gideon Koppel's film sleep furiously to explore the significance of temporality for the ethical potential of documentary film. Though comparatively little attention has been devoted to Levin... Read More about Continuity and rupture: Levinas's temporal ethics and Gideon Koppel'ssleep furiously.

Orality, trauma theory, and interlingual translation: a study of repetition in Kourouma's Allah n'est pas obligé (2015)
Journal Article
Batchelor, K. (in press). Orality, trauma theory, and interlingual translation: a study of repetition in Kourouma's Allah n'est pas obligé. Translation Studies, 8(2),

The use of stylistic devices based around repetition in Ahmadou Kourouma’s Allah n’est pas obligé is usually taken as one of the markers of the novel’s link to oral story-telling traditions. It is, however, equally feasible to read such devices as ma... Read More about Orality, trauma theory, and interlingual translation: a study of repetition in Kourouma's Allah n'est pas obligé.

Segalen et l'Autre impossible (2015)
Book Chapter
Ridon, J.-X. (2015). Segalen et l'Autre impossible. In Exotisme et Altérité, Segalen et la Polynésie (81-97). Honoré Champion