Pharmacological enhancement of leg and muscle microvascular blood flow does not augment anabolic responses in skeletal muscle of young men under fed conditions
Journal Article
Phillips, B. E., Atherton, P. J., Varadhan, K., Wilkinson, D. J., Limb, M. C., Selby, A. L., Rennie, M. J., Smith, K., & Williams, J. P. (2014). Pharmacological enhancement of leg and muscle microvascular blood flow does not augment anabolic responses in skeletal muscle of young men under fed conditions. AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 306(2), Article E168-E176.
Skeletal muscle anabolism associated with postprandial plasma aminoacidemia and insulinemia is contingent upon amino acids (AA) and insulin crossing the microcirculation-myocyte interface. In this study, we hypothesized that increasing muscle microva... Read More about Pharmacological enhancement of leg and muscle microvascular blood flow does not augment anabolic responses in skeletal muscle of young men under fed conditions.