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A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects (2018)
Journal Article
Sloan, T. J., Jalanka, J., Major, G. A. D., Krishnasamy, S., Pritchard, S., Abdelrazig, S., Korpela, K., Singh, G., Mulvenna, C., Hoad, C. L., Marciani, L., Barrett, D. A., Lomer, M. C. E., de Vos, W. M., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2018). A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects. PLoS ONE, 13(7), Article e0201410.

Background & aims

Ingestion of poorly digested, fermentable carbohydrates (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols; FODMAPs) have been implicated in exacerbating intestinal symptoms and the reduction of intake with symptom alleviatio... Read More about A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects.

A comprehensive assessment of benign genetic variability for neurodegenerative disorders (2018)
Journal Article
Guerreiro, R., Sassi, C., Gibbs, J., Edsall, C., Hernandez, D., Brown, K., Lupton, M., Parkinnen, L., Ansorge, O., Hodges, A., Ryten, M., Tienari, P., Van Deerlin, V., Trojanowski, J., Morgan, K., Powell, J., Singleton, A., Hardy, J., & Bras, J. (2018). A comprehensive assessment of benign genetic variability for neurodegenerative disorders.

Over the last few years, as more and more sequencing studies have been performed, it has become apparent that the identification of pathogenic mutations is, more often than not, a complex issue. Here, with a focus on neurodegenerative diseases, we ha... Read More about A comprehensive assessment of benign genetic variability for neurodegenerative disorders.