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Outputs (5)

Transient serum exposure regimes to support dual differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (2012)
Journal Article
France, L., Scotchford, C., Grant, D., Rashidi, H., Popov, A., & Sottile, V. (2014). Transient serum exposure regimes to support dual differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 8(8),

Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which can generate both osteoblasts and chondrocytes, represent an ideal resource for orthopaedic repair using tissue-engineering approaches. One major difficulty for the development of osteochondral constructs us... Read More about Transient serum exposure regimes to support dual differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells.

Advanced geometry modelling of 3D woven reinforcements in polymer composites: processing and performance analysis (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zeng, X., Brown, L. P., Endruweit, A., & Long, A. C. Advanced geometry modelling of 3D woven reinforcements in polymer composites: processing and performance analysis. Presented at Fourth World Conference on 3D Fabrics and their Applications

Numerical methods have become increasingly effective tools for analysis and design of composite materials. This study investigates how the inclusion of geometrical variations in modelling 3D woven fabrics affects the accuracy of numerical predictions... Read More about Advanced geometry modelling of 3D woven reinforcements in polymer composites: processing and performance analysis.

Thermo-mechanical fatigue testing and simulation using a viscoplasticity model for a P91 steel (2012)
Journal Article
Hyde, C. J., Sun, W., Hyde, T., & Saad, A. (2012). Thermo-mechanical fatigue testing and simulation using a viscoplasticity model for a P91 steel. Computational Materials Science, 56,

An experimental programme of cyclic thermo-mechanical testing for a P91 power plant steel, under isothermal, and in-phase and out-of-phase thermo-mechanical, temperature-strain cycle conditions, has been implemented. Using the experimental data, an o... Read More about Thermo-mechanical fatigue testing and simulation using a viscoplasticity model for a P91 steel.

A toolbox for parameter-free predictions of solid-state properties of monodisperse glassy polymers with frozen-in molecular orientation (2012)
Journal Article
De Focatiis, D. S., & Buckley, C. P. (2012). A toolbox for parameter-free predictions of solid-state properties of monodisperse glassy polymers with frozen-in molecular orientation. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 50(24),

A toolbox that allows designers to predict the properties of oriented glassy polymers using only existing material constants is constructed from a constitutive model applicable to both polymer solids and polymer melts. Two solid-state properties of p... Read More about A toolbox for parameter-free predictions of solid-state properties of monodisperse glassy polymers with frozen-in molecular orientation.

The use of vignettes for conducting healthcare research (2012)
Book Chapter
Keane, D., Lang, A. R., Craven, M. P., & Sharples, S. (2012). The use of vignettes for conducting healthcare research. In V. G. Duffy (Ed.), Advances in human aspects of healthcare. CRC Press

Improving healthcare requires engaging with clinicians and patients in order to better understand their needs and expectations. Research methods that are used to conduct healthcare research are selected on the basis of study objectives and practicali... Read More about The use of vignettes for conducting healthcare research.