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Outputs (3)

Insights on conducting digital patient and public involvement in dementia research during the COVID-19 pandemic: supporting the development of an “E-nabling digital co-production” framework (2022)
Journal Article
Molinari-Ulate, M., Woodcock, R., Smith, I., van der Roest, H. G., Franco-Martín, M. A., & Craven, M. P. (2022). Insights on conducting digital patient and public involvement in dementia research during the COVID-19 pandemic: supporting the development of an “E-nabling digital co-production” framework. Research Involvement and Engagement, 8(1), Article 33.

The rapid transition to digital working, accelerated due to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, has impacted the involvement of patients and public in research. This paper presents experiences of engaging in digital Patient and Public... Read More about Insights on conducting digital patient and public involvement in dementia research during the COVID-19 pandemic: supporting the development of an “E-nabling digital co-production” framework.

Perceptions of Cognitive Training Games and Assessment Technologies for Dementia: Acceptability Study with Patient and Public Involvement Workshops (2022)
Journal Article
Harrington, K., Craven, M. P., Wilson, M. L., & Landowska, A. (2022). Perceptions of Cognitive Training Games and Assessment Technologies for Dementia: Acceptability Study with Patient and Public Involvement Workshops. JMIR Serious Games, 10(2), Article e32489.

Background: Cognitive training and assessment technologies offer the promise of dementia risk reduction and a more timely diagnosis of dementia, respectively. Cognitive training games may help reduce the lifetime risk of dementia by helping to build... Read More about Perceptions of Cognitive Training Games and Assessment Technologies for Dementia: Acceptability Study with Patient and Public Involvement Workshops.

Making remote measurement technology work in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and depression: survey of healthcare professionals (2022)
Journal Article
Andrews, J. A., Craven, M. P., Lang, A. R., Guo, B., Morriss, R., Hollis, C., & RADAR-CNS Consortium. (2022). Making remote measurement technology work in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and depression: survey of healthcare professionals. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 22(1), Article 125.

BACKGROUND: Epilepsy, multiple sclerosis(MS) and depression are long term, central nervous system disorders which have a significant impact on everyday life. Evaluating symptoms of these conditions is problematic and typically involves repeated visit... Read More about Making remote measurement technology work in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and depression: survey of healthcare professionals.