Blood donor behaviour, motivations and the need for a systematic cross-cultural perspective: the example of moral outrage and health and non-health based philanthropy across seven countries
Journal Article
Ferguson, E., Dorner, L., France, C. R., France, J. L., Masser, B., Lam, M., Marta, E., Alfieri, S., Huis in ’t Veld, . E., & Scerri, J. (2018). Blood donor behaviour, motivations and the need for a systematic cross-cultural perspective: the example of moral outrage and health and non-health based philanthropy across seven countries. ISBT Science Series, 13(4), 375-383.
Background: Blood donation is a prosocial altruistic act that is motived by the mechanisms that underlie altruism (e.g., warm-glow, reciprocity, fairness/trust). Because there is consistent evidence that altruism and its mechanisms show cross-cultura... Read More about Blood donor behaviour, motivations and the need for a systematic cross-cultural perspective: the example of moral outrage and health and non-health based philanthropy across seven countries.