“Indiascape”: Bharati Mukherjee’s engagement with E.M. Forster, Hermann Hesse and R.K. Narayan
Journal Article
Maxey, R. (2022). “Indiascape”: Bharati Mukherjee’s engagement with E.M. Forster, Hermann Hesse and R.K. Narayan. Postcolonial Text, 17(4),
Bharati Mukherjee is principally known for her best-selling 1989 novel Jasmine. But much of Mukherjee's early work, especially her unpublished creative and academic writing from the 1960s, has been overlooked by critics and scholars. My essay address... Read More about “Indiascape”: Bharati Mukherjee’s engagement with E.M. Forster, Hermann Hesse and R.K. Narayan.