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Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations (2025)
Journal Article
Rodriguez Huerta, E., Leao, L., & Landmann, T. (in press). Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional,

This paper explores the theoretical and conceptual nexus between climate change, workers’ health, decent work, human rights, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using the case of agricultural workers in Brazil. It posits the overall relat... Read More about Climate Change, Decent Work and Workers’ Health in Brazil: Theoretical Considerations.

The future of decent work: Forecasting heat stress and the intersection of sustainable development challenges in India's brick kilns (2024)
Journal Article
Boyd, D. S., Jackson, B., Sparks, J. D., Foody, G. M., Girindran, R., Gosling, S., Trodd, Z., Bhriain, L. H., & Rodriguez-Huerta, E. (2024). The future of decent work: Forecasting heat stress and the intersection of sustainable development challenges in India's brick kilns. Sustainable Development,

The impacts of climate change-induced heat stress on workers are most prevalent in sectors with decent work deficits and this requires consideration for sustainable development. This paper focuses on the informal economy of brick kilns in India, a se... Read More about The future of decent work: Forecasting heat stress and the intersection of sustainable development challenges in India's brick kilns.

Criminalizing survivors of modern slavery: the United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism as a border-making process (2024)
Journal Article
Lumley-Sapanski, A., Rodriguez-Huerta, E., Schwarz, K., Nicholson, A., & Young, M. (2024). Criminalizing survivors of modern slavery: the United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism as a border-making process. Journal of Social Policy,

The United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying potential victims of modern slavery (slavery, servitude, forced labour or human trafficking) and ensuring that they receive adequate care. This research explores di... Read More about Criminalizing survivors of modern slavery: the United Kingdom’s National Referral Mechanism as a border-making process.