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Professor SARAH REDSELL's Outputs (41)

Community midwives' and health visitors' experiences of research recruitment: a qualitative exploration using the Theoretical Domains Framework (2021)
Journal Article
Rose, J., Lynn, K., Akister, J., Maxton, F., & Redsell, S. A. (2021). Community midwives' and health visitors' experiences of research recruitment: a qualitative exploration using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 22, Article e5.

Background: Successful research is frequently hampered by poor study recruitment, especially in community settings and with participants who are women and their children. Health visitors and community midwives are well placed to invite young families... Read More about Community midwives' and health visitors' experiences of research recruitment: a qualitative exploration using the Theoretical Domains Framework.

Concerns regarding “Association between intelligence quotient and obesity in England” and unjustifiable harm to people in bigger bodies (2021)
Journal Article
Redsell, S. A., Bains, K., Le Brocq, S., Bucks, R., Byrne‐Davis, L., Gray, L., Hotham, S., Hennessy, M., Kyle, T. K., McPherson, A., Quigley, F., Vicari, M., & Zinn, S. (2021). Concerns regarding “Association between intelligence quotient and obesity in England” and unjustifiable harm to people in bigger bodies. Lifestyle Medicine, 2(1), Article e28.

Fidelity of Interventions to Reduce or Prevent Stress and/or Anxiety from Pregnancy up to Two Years Postpartum: A Systematic Review (2020)
Journal Article
Gorman, G., Toomey, E., Flannery, C., Redsell, S., Hayes, C., Huizink, A., Kearney, P. M., & Matvienko-Sikar, K. (2021). Fidelity of Interventions to Reduce or Prevent Stress and/or Anxiety from Pregnancy up to Two Years Postpartum: A Systematic Review. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 25(2), 230-256.

Introduction: Intervention fidelity refers to whether an intervention is delivered as intended and can enhance interpretation of trial outcomes. Fidelity of interventions to reduce or prevent stress and anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum has yet... Read More about Fidelity of Interventions to Reduce or Prevent Stress and/or Anxiety from Pregnancy up to Two Years Postpartum: A Systematic Review.

Identifying interventions with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers to promote immunisation uptake: methodological approach and findings (2020)
Journal Article
Dyson, L., Bedford, H., Condon, L., Emslie, C., Ireland, L., Mytton, J., Overend, K., Redsell, S., Richardson, Z., & Jackson, C. (2020). Identifying interventions with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers to promote immunisation uptake: methodological approach and findings. BMC Public Health, 20, Article 1574.

In the UK, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities are generally considered to be at risk of low or variable immunisation uptake. Many strategies to increase uptake for the general population are relevant for GRT communities, however... Read More about Identifying interventions with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers to promote immunisation uptake: methodological approach and findings.

Proactive assessment of obesity risk during infancy (ProAsk): a qualitative study of parents’ and professionals’ perspectives on an mHealth intervention. (2019)
Journal Article
Rose, J., Glazebrook, C., Wharrad, H., Siriwardena, A. N., Swift, J. A., Nathan, D., Weng, S., Atkinson, P., Ablewhite, J., McMaster, F., Watson, V., & Redsell, S. (2019). Proactive assessment of obesity risk during infancy (ProAsk): a qualitative study of parents’ and professionals’ perspectives on an mHealth intervention. BMC Public Health, 19, Article 294.

Prevention of childhood obesity is a public health priority. Interventions that establish healthy growth trajectories early in life promise lifelong benefits to health and wellbeing. Proactive Assessment of Obesity Risk during Infancy... Read More about Proactive assessment of obesity risk during infancy (ProAsk): a qualitative study of parents’ and professionals’ perspectives on an mHealth intervention..

The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Bond, C., Stacey, G., Field-Richards, S., Callaghan, P., Keeley, P., Lymn, J., Redsell, S., & Spiby, H. (2018). The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(15-16), 3081-3090.

Aims and objectives: To examine how the concept of compassion is socially constructed within UK discourse, in response to recommendations that aspiring nurses gain care experience prior to entering nurse education.
Background: Following a report of... Read More about The concept of compassion within UK media generated discourse: a corpus informed analysis.

Factors influencing the experience of sexual and reproductive healthcare for female adolescents with perinatally-acquired HIV: a qualitative case study (2017)
Journal Article
Mwalabu, G., Evans, C., & Redsell, S. (2017). Factors influencing the experience of sexual and reproductive healthcare for female adolescents with perinatally-acquired HIV: a qualitative case study. BMC Women's Health, 17(1), Article 125.


Young people living with perinatally-acquired HIV require age-appropriate support regarding sex and relationships as they progress towards adulthood. HIV affects both genders but evidence suggests that young women are particularly vulne... Read More about Factors influencing the experience of sexual and reproductive healthcare for female adolescents with perinatally-acquired HIV: a qualitative case study.

Digital technology to facilitate Proactive Assessment of Obesity Risk during Infancy (ProAsk): a feasibility study (2017)
Journal Article
Redsell, S. A., Rose, J., Weng, S., Ablewhite, J., Swift, J. A., Siriwardena, A. N., Nathan, D., Wharrad, H. J., Atkinson, P., Watson, V., McMaster, F., Lakshman, R., & Glazebrook, C. (2017). Digital technology to facilitate Proactive Assessment of Obesity Risk during Infancy (ProAsk): a feasibility study. BMJ Open, 7(9), Article e017694.

Objective: To assess the feasibility and acceptability of using digital technology for Proactive Assessment of Obesity Risk during Infancy (ProAsk) with the UK health visitors (HVs) and parents.

Design: Multicentre, pre- and post-intervention feas... Read More about Digital technology to facilitate Proactive Assessment of Obesity Risk during Infancy (ProAsk): a feasibility study.

Stories of survival: children’s narratives of psychosocial well-being following paediatric critical illness or injury (2017)
Journal Article
Manning, J. C., Hemingway, P., & Redsell, S. A. (2017). Stories of survival: children’s narratives of psychosocial well-being following paediatric critical illness or injury. Journal of Child Health Care, 21(3), 236-252.

Survival from critical illness can expose children to an array of negative physical and psychological problems. While the perspective of parents and professionals have been well documented, there is limited understanding of how childhood critical car... Read More about Stories of survival: children’s narratives of psychosocial well-being following paediatric critical illness or injury.

Survived so what?: identifying priorities for research with children and families post-paediatric intensive care unit (2017)
Journal Article
Manning, J. C., Hemingway, P., & Redsell, S. A. (2018). Survived so what?: identifying priorities for research with children and families post-paediatric intensive care unit. Nursing in Critical Care, 23(2), 68-74.

The involvement of patients and the public in the development, implementation and evaluation of health care services and research is recognized to have tangible benefits in relation to effectiveness and credibility. However, despite >96% of children... Read More about Survived so what?: identifying priorities for research with children and families post-paediatric intensive care unit.

Motor development interventions for preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Hughes, A. J., Redsell, S. A., & Glazebrook, C. (2016). Motor development interventions for preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 138(4), Article e20160147.

CONTEXTS: Preterm infants are at an increased risk of neurodevelopmental delay. Some studies report positive intervention effects on motor outcomes, but it is currently unclear which motor activities are most effective in the short and longer term.... Read More about Motor development interventions for preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Validation, Optimal Threshold Determination, and Clinical Utility of the Infant Risk of Overweight Checklist for Early Prevention of Child Overweight (2016)
Journal Article
Redsell, S. A., Weng, S., Swift, J. A., Nathan, D., & Glazebrook, C. (2016). Validation, Optimal Threshold Determination, and Clinical Utility of the Infant Risk of Overweight Checklist for Early Prevention of Child Overweight. Childhood Obesity, 12(3), 202-209.

Background: Previous research has demonstrated the predictive validity of the Infant Risk of Overweight Checklist (IROC). This study further establishes the predictive accuracy of the IROC using data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Ch... Read More about Validation, Optimal Threshold Determination, and Clinical Utility of the Infant Risk of Overweight Checklist for Early Prevention of Child Overweight.

Long-term psychosocial impact reported by childhood critical illness survivors: a systematic review (2014)
Journal Article
Manning, J. C., Hemingway, P., & Redsell, S. A. (2014). Long-term psychosocial impact reported by childhood critical illness survivors: a systematic review. Nursing in Critical Care, 19(3),

Aim :To undertake a qualitative systematic review that explores psychological and social impact, reported directly from children and adolescents at least 6 months after their critical illness.
Background :Significant advances in critical care have r... Read More about Long-term psychosocial impact reported by childhood critical illness survivors: a systematic review.

Protocol for a longitudinal qualitative study: survivors of childhood critical illness exploring long-term psychosocial well-being and needs—The SCETCH Project (2014)
Journal Article
Manning, J., Hemingway, P., & Redsell, S. A. (2014). Protocol for a longitudinal qualitative study: survivors of childhood critical illness exploring long-term psychosocial well-being and needs—The SCETCH Project. BMJ Open, 4, Article e004230.

Introduction Life-threatening critical illness affects over a quarter of a million children and adolescents (0–18 years old) annually in the USA and the UK. Death from critical illness is rare; however, survivors and their families can be exposed to... Read More about Protocol for a longitudinal qualitative study: survivors of childhood critical illness exploring long-term psychosocial well-being and needs—The SCETCH Project.

Systematic review and meta-analyses of risk factors for childhood overweight identifiable during infancy (2012)
Journal Article
Weng, S. F., Redsell, S. A., Swift, J. A., Yang, M., & Glazebrook, C. P. (2012). Systematic review and meta-analyses of risk factors for childhood overweight identifiable during infancy. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(12),

Objective To determine risk factors for childhood
overweight that can be identified during the first year of
life to facilitate early identification and targeted
Design Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Search strategy Electroni... Read More about Systematic review and meta-analyses of risk factors for childhood overweight identifiable during infancy.

UK health visitors' role in identifying and intervening with infants at risk of developing obesity: Health visitors' and infant obesity risk (2012)
Journal Article
Redsell, S. A., Swift, J. A., Nathan, D., Siriwardena, A. N., Atkinson, P., & Glazebrook, C. (2013). UK health visitors' role in identifying and intervening with infants at risk of developing obesity: Health visitors' and infant obesity risk. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 9(3), 396-408.

Childhood obesity is associated with a number of modifiable risk factors that can be identified during infancy or earlier. In the UK, health visitors advise parents about infant feeding, but little is known about their role in obesity prevention. The... Read More about UK health visitors' role in identifying and intervening with infants at risk of developing obesity: Health visitors' and infant obesity risk.

Preventing childhood obesity during infancy in UK primary care: a mixed-methods study of HCPs' knowledge, beliefs and practice (2011)
Journal Article
Redsell, S. A., Atkinson, P. J., Nathan, D., Siriwardena, A. N., Swift, J. A., & Glazebrook, C. (2011). Preventing childhood obesity during infancy in UK primary care: a mixed-methods study of HCPs' knowledge, beliefs and practice. BMC Family Practice, 12(1), Article 54.


There is a strong rationale for intervening in early childhood to prevent obesity. Over a quarter of infants gain weight more rapidly than desirable during the first six months of life putting them at greater risk of obesity in childhoo... Read More about Preventing childhood obesity during infancy in UK primary care: a mixed-methods study of HCPs' knowledge, beliefs and practice.

Patients’ expectations of ‘first-contact care’ consultations with nurse and general practitioners in primary care (2007)
Journal Article
Redsell, S., Jackson, C., Stokes, T., Hastings, A., & Baker, R. (2007). Patients’ expectations of ‘first-contact care’ consultations with nurse and general practitioners in primary care. Quality in Primary Care, 15(1),

Background Patients’ attending UK primary care
currently receive first-contact care services from
nurses as well as general practitioners (GPs). Although
randomised trials have reported higher
satisfaction following nurse consultations,the relati... Read More about Patients’ expectations of ‘first-contact care’ consultations with nurse and general practitioners in primary care.