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Techno-economic and uncertainty analysis of biomass to liquid (BTL) systems for transport fuel production (2018)
Journal Article
Dimitriou, I., Goldingay, H., & Bridgwater, A. V. (2018). Techno-economic and uncertainty analysis of biomass to liquid (BTL) systems for transport fuel production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 88,

This work examines the technical and economic feasibility of Biomass-To-Liquid (BTL) processes for the manufacture of liquid hydrocarbon fuels. Six BTL systems are modelled and evaluated which are based on pressurised oxygen gasification of woody bio... Read More about Techno-economic and uncertainty analysis of biomass to liquid (BTL) systems for transport fuel production.

Pyrolysis of plastic waste for production of heavy fuel substitute: a techno-economic assessment (2018)
Journal Article
Fivga, A., & Dimitriou, I. (2018). Pyrolysis of plastic waste for production of heavy fuel substitute: a techno-economic assessment. Energy, 149,

Pyrolysis is widely seen as a promising technology for converting plastic waste into a wax/oil product which can be used as a heavy fuel oil substitute or as raw material by the petrochemical industry. A pyrolysis plant with a capacity of 100 kg/h pl... Read More about Pyrolysis of plastic waste for production of heavy fuel substitute: a techno-economic assessment.