Impact of Strain Variation of Dichelobacter nodosus on Disease Severity and Presence in Sheep Flocks in England
Journal Article
Monaghan, E. M., Prosser, N. S., Witt, J., Lewis, K. E., Nabb, E., Keeling, M. J., Purdy, K. J., & Green, L. E. (2021). Impact of Strain Variation of Dichelobacter nodosus on Disease Severity and Presence in Sheep Flocks in England. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, Article 713927.
AprV2 and aprB2 are variants of the apr gene of Dichelobacter nodosus, the cause of footrot in sheep. They are putative markers for severe and mild disease expression. The aim of our study was to investigate the distribution of aprV2 and aprB2 in flo... Read More about Impact of Strain Variation of Dichelobacter nodosus on Disease Severity and Presence in Sheep Flocks in England.