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Professor MIHAELA KELEMEN's Outputs (4)

Community based response to the Japanese tsunami: A bottom-up approach (2017)
Journal Article
Goulding, C., Kelemen, M., & Kiyomiya, T. (2018). Community based response to the Japanese tsunami: A bottom-up approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3), 887-903.

The 2011 Tohuku earthquake and tsunami are said to be the most powerful ever to hit Japan. The result was tremendous loss of life, homes and livelihoods; the destruction of infrastructures; and the disruption of basic facilities. The aftermath of thi... Read More about Community based response to the Japanese tsunami: A bottom-up approach.

Collaborating across the researcher-practitioner divide: introducing John Dewey's democratic experimentalism (2017)
Journal Article
Chi Vo, L., & Kelemen, M. (2017). Collaborating across the researcher-practitioner divide: introducing John Dewey's democratic experimentalism. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(6), 858-871.

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to bridging the gap between researchers and practitioners. It does so by comparing the various models of academic-practitioner collaboration and introducing Dewey’s democratic experimentalism as a p... Read More about Collaborating across the researcher-practitioner divide: introducing John Dewey's democratic experimentalism.

Using performative knowledge production to explore marketplace exclusion (2017)
Journal Article
Burgess, G., Kelemen, M., Moffat, S., & Parsons, E. (2017). Using performative knowledge production to explore marketplace exclusion. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 20(4), 486-511.

This paper aims to contribute to understandings of the dynamics of marketplace exclusion and explore the benefits of a performative approach to knowledge production.

Interactive documentary theatre is used to... Read More about Using performative knowledge production to explore marketplace exclusion.

More Than a ‘Little Act of Kindness’? Towards a Typology of Volunteering as Unpaid Work (2017)
Journal Article
Kelemen, M., Mangan, A., & Moffat, S. (2017). More Than a ‘Little Act of Kindness’? Towards a Typology of Volunteering as Unpaid Work. Sociology, 51(6), 1239-1256.

Definitions of volunteering are widespread and complex, yet relatively little attention is given to volunteering as unpaid work, even though it intersects with the worlds of paid employment and the domestic sphere, cutting across individual/collectiv... Read More about More Than a ‘Little Act of Kindness’? Towards a Typology of Volunteering as Unpaid Work.