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Dr DIRIBA KUMSSA's Outputs (2)

Challenges and opportunities for Moringa growers in southern Ethiopia and Kenya (2017)
Journal Article
Kumssa, D. B., Joy, E. J. M., Young, S. D., Odee, D. W., Ander, E. L., Magare, C., Gitu, J., & Broadley, M. R. (2017). Challenges and opportunities for Moringa growers in southern Ethiopia and Kenya. PLoS ONE, 12(11), Article e0187651.

Moringa oleifera (MO) and M. stenopetala (MS) are two commonly cultivated species of the Moringaceae family. Some households in southern Ethiopia (S. ETH) and Kenya (KEN) plant MS and MO, respectively. The edible parts of these species are rich in am... Read More about Challenges and opportunities for Moringa growers in southern Ethiopia and Kenya.

Variation in the mineral element concentration of Moringa oleifera Lam. and M. stenopetala (Bak. f.) Cuf.: role in human nutrition (2017)
Journal Article
Kumssa, D. B., Joy, E. J., Young, S. D., Odee, D. W., Ander, E. L., & Broadley, M. R. (2017). Variation in the mineral element concentration of Moringa oleifera Lam. and M. stenopetala (Bak. f.) Cuf.: role in human nutrition. PLoS ONE, 12(4), Article e0175503.

Background: Moringa oleifera (MO) and M. stenopetala (MS) (family Moringaceae; order Brassicales) are multipurpose tree/shrub species. They thrive under marginal environmental conditions and produce nutritious edible parts. The aim of this study was... Read More about Variation in the mineral element concentration of Moringa oleifera Lam. and M. stenopetala (Bak. f.) Cuf.: role in human nutrition.